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The idea for writing the Venomous Agenda Memoirs came during the writing of ChGK in the Prairie, where I realized there were questions left unanswered in the Quest for High School Mathletic Glory as well as A Tale of Two Academic Teams and Quiz Bowling Alley.

In fact, some chapters cover events in not only the aforementioned books, but also in the Venomous Agenda Sidequests:

Ch6-13: The Quest for High School Mathletic Glory

Ch14-21: A Tale of Two Academic Teams

Ch22: Futurity Gambling Problem

Ch23: Sidequest 4: Anna and LD

Ch24: Daisy's College Journey

Ch27, 30, 31: Sidequest 6: The neighboring parish

Ch32: Can't Stop the Questions, Cheating On And Off

Ch33-34: Quiz Bowling Alley

Epilogue: ChGK in the Prairie, Job Security and Cliche Manifest


Disclaimer: The Memoirs are purely fictional. Any references to actual events, locations, people, organizations or programs are purely coincidental.

A/N: Any mention of GPAs in this book refer to the unweighted GPA.

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