sirens can see you

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I am sitting near the sore while the breeze is moving in one direction. I am all alone here on the beach and it's a stormy night. I was the eldest daughter of my family but now I'm the only one left.

My other siblings died one by one on this full moon night.

It's said that Sirens of the ocean come out in search of their prey and once they find them out they kill them after mating with them. This feels so disgusting. All my sisters were dead because of that fucking Siren king and those siren rules, that clearly mention that one of OUR family members has to die every full moon night... my mother has been protecting me and my siblings and she never let us come here.

But fate can't be changed and that's what happened with my siblings.

The sirens did their magic or whatever and even if we didn't want to come here, even if my mom kept protecting us, we came here and never went back alive.

I don't like oceans and beaches I prefer staying alone in my room and talking to some selected people. But I've been coming here since last year and nothing happened to me till now.

I'm alive and breathing. I don't have any marks on my body and no one dares to touch me. And this is all because of my boyfriend. Jungkook.

Today also I didn't come alone, I've been coming here with him and I didn't spot any siren till now. He is my savior.

I think he protects me. I'm safe with him.

"here" he gave me a cup of coffee. And algae for himself.

Algae. Ew. I don't know how he even digests that.

"Do you wanna have some?" he said offering me a bite of his Dry Algae chips.

I made a disgusted face and denied his offer. "Never in my life would I eat that shit"

"You don't know about the future Y/N."

"Anything can happen," he said

"whateves," I rolled my eyes and looked at the ocean which we'll have to leave now as the storm is getting heavier.

"lets go Jungkook. The storm is getting heavier and it would be dangerous for us to stay here." I said as I looked at him.

" OK. I bring the car and you also gather all the things and come near the road" he said

"Okay ~ you go, I'll get these with me" "I'll be fine. Don't worry." I said

No siren attacked me till now so I'm sure they won't anymore. Though I don't know what caused them to stop but my safety is all that matters.

As I gathered all my stuff and turned towards the ocean to look at it for the last time I saw that Jungkook was near the water. And he was looking straight toward the ocean as if no one was around him.

All fearless.

Not at all afraid if the sirens catch him, he'll die.

Not even afraid of the storm that's ascending toward us.


"Jungkook, what are you doing there?"


He looked back at me. There was something in his eyes that I couldn't notice and I went closer to him.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here? And when did you come here? And even if you came you should have helped me there rather than standing here. And do you see the storm? It's so dangerous and it can take you with him so easily. ARE YOU MAD!!!!" I said all those in one go and he was just looking at me with a strange emotion in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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