Chapter 3

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Back at WarClan's warmest den, Mistydrizzle dropped some spongey moss at Brightbush's paws. "To absorb the blood. And here's some spiderweb to stop the bleeding." She nudged both materials towards him.

"Thank you, Mistydrizzle." Brightbush mewed to his assistant as he turned back to Cinnamonrain, who's hind leg had been viciously torn, so part of the bone was showing. "How did this happen, anyways?" the white tom asked, before lathering a paste made of poultice in with his tongue and using the webs to stop the bleeding. He bit onto the springy moss and wiped around the wound with quick, long swipes.

"I was out with a hunting patrol when some foxes came and ambushed us. The others dashed into the trees and into gorse bushes but I didn't make it fast enough." she winced as she tried to move her injured leg. Brightbush nodded and turned to fetch some thyme to sooth her raspy breathing. His pelt bristled as the cold wind hit him hard. He blinked and ran out into the forest. The trees sheltered him from the weather as he continued to travel until he reached the great river. He found some shoots of thyme sprouting out of some slushy water by the bank. Holding his breath, he bit onto the herb and turned to leave. He was halted by a soft mew. A rogue was standing behind him, frail with hunger and his paws shaking with every breath. As Brightbush reached to help him, his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell limp. Panic searing through Brightbush, he dragged the rogue back to camp, the weight of the unknown cat pushing his paws deeper into the snow.

As he entered his den again, Cinnamonrain's breathing was worsening and the only sound that came from her was the raspy rattling of her lungs.

Quickly, Brightbush pawed the thyme over to Mistydrizzle and instructed her on how to give it to Cinnamonrain.

Then he dashed to his storage space and dug out some nettles from under a roll of spider web, and took the remaining shoots of thyme before returning to his den. He hooked the materials on his teeth and rushed to the rogue. He carefully opened the cat's jaw and inserted the nettles. "Chew," he told him. After eating a lot more nettles, he began to feel stronger.

He looked up gratefully at Brightbush. "Thank you." he said, purring at the sound of his own voice.

"No problem." replied Brightbush. "I'm Brightbush. What's your name?"

"Shroud." replied the tom called Shroud, shaking off his shiny black pelt. Brightbush suddenly realised that Shroud was no older than Cinnamonrain. He had looked so old and brittle back by the lake, but now he looked like the healthy tom that he was. His blazing yellow eyes scowered the den.

His gaze met Mistydrizzle's and she let out a mrrow of surprise as his amber gaze seemed to puncture her eyelids. She blinked and looked back at the deputy, proceeding with her treatments.

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