Chapter 5

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Cardinal streaked out of his den, abandoning his half-eaten prey. He chased after his sister, but froze when he saw where she was headed. WarClan?! He remembered his littermate, RockyLeaf, who had fought against Curtclaw when he had stolen their prey. His heart swelled with grief and he turned away. NO! He thought, turning back towards WarClan camp. Rockyleaf is dead, but Claret still lives and I must ensure her safe return! He continued to sprint towards the camp, his paws aching as he streaked onwards. He hurtled through the entrance and blood burst between his ears and it all went black.

He woke up in a state of panic, paws flying and fangs bared. A friendly voice laughed, "You're awake! Your sister turned up here last night too!" Groggily, Cardinal sat up, his head spinning slightly from the movement. He winced as the cat embedded spiderweb into his wound from where his head had met a sharp stone. "You'll be fine." the cat assured, purring gently as he pawed a mouse towards Cardinal. "Eat." he said, "You'll feel better." Then he turned towards Claret, who was just coming to. She gave a groan and sat up, her sight bleary.

Cardinal nuzzled her head and purred, "You're alright!" He sat back down and began washing a paw. Then he glanced back up and asked, "Will you go back to GaiaClan to have your kits?" he asked.

"What?!" Claret doubled back. "I'm not-I can't–"

"You didn't know?" a shocked look crossed the friendly cat's face.

"It's none of your business, mange pelt!" Claret hissed, swiping at the other cat.

"I'm Brightbush, WarClan's medicine cat. It's nice to meet you." he replied cheerfully, ignoring Claret's insults.

Weakly, Claret staggered to her paws and trembled as she made her way out of the den. "Wait!" Brightbush guided her back inside. "You're not going anywhere." she groaned frustradedly as he pulled her back to her makeshift nest. Panting from the effort of walking, she curled up and her eyes fluttered shut.

Rainstalk padded into the den, limping. "Hey, Brightbush. I stubbed my paw on the roots of an oak tree and I need some comfrey for–" he caught sight of Claret and his breath caught. "Is she alright?" he whispered to Brightbush.

"How my sister is doing is none of your business, fleabag!" Cardinal hissed, swiping at Rainstalk. Rainstalk leapt back and blinked in surprise.

Cardinal snorted. "Like I would believe that!" Just then, Shroud padded in, shaking his healthy black pelt of dried leaves, and dust shrouded him.

"The herbs you asked for." he purred to Brightbush before dropping some herbs at his paws.

He threw a look at Claret. "Is she a new patient?" he asked, circling her curiously.

"Yes," answered Brightbush before Cardinal could even pull back his lips to snarl. "She's expecting her kits in less than a moon, so she won't be able to return to GaiaClan until after her kitting.

"Really!" Cardinal's eyes widened. "So then-so-Mudshell won't get to meet his kits until a while after the kitting!"

"Mudshell?" Rainstalk suddenly blinked in understanding. "Wow! Congra–"

Still with her eyes half closed, Claret murmured, "Don't. He doesn't deserve it."

"What's wrong?" Rainstalk whispered tentatively to Cardinal.

"From the looks of it, Claret got into a fight with Mudshell." he fluffed up his neck fur. "No surprise. Mudshell is the WORST."

Claret murmured her agreement before drifting off to sleep.

When Claret woke up, Cardinal was already awake, washing a forepaw, eyes full of boredom.

"Why don't you go out and mingle with the WarClan cats?" asked Claret, arching her back.

Cardinal flicked his head over shoulder and gave her a look that spoke thousands of words.

"Still angry about Rockyleaf, I presume?" she sighed, dipping her head to give her chest fur a quick wash before attempting to stand. Her legs felt stronger but still slightly unstable, so she propped herself up with a hawthorn branch and stumbled out of the den.

Eyes stinging from the sunlight, Claret looked away from the entrance of the rocky cave.

"Claret!" Meowed Rainstalk, leaping down from a flat rock and nuzzling her head. "How are you feeling?"

"better." She purred.

Just then, Cinnamonrain declared that she would make the journey to highstones and receive nine lives that night.

She asked Rainstalk, "Will you and one other WarClan representative join me? I'll let you decide." Rainstalk nodded, and Cinnamonrain scampered off to find Brightbush for traveling herbs for Rainstalk and his companion.

Rainstalk padded over to Shroud and asked, "Would you accompany me and Cinnamonrain to Highstones?"

Shroud's eyes widened. "Highstones?" he stammered, tail twitching nervously, "But that's close to those other clans."

"Other clans?" questioned Rainstalk, blinking curiously.

"Yes," Shroud meowed, giving his chest fur a quick lick before explaining, "The ones that live right next to Twolegplace. I believe they use the farm for herbs."

"The farm?" asked Rainstalk, "Oh, you mean Acreplace?"

"Oh, is that what you clan cats call it?" Shroud mewed politely. "I didn't know that. I'll keep that in mind."

"So will you be coming with us?" asked Rainstalk.

"Sure." responded Shroud before padding off to help Brightbush collect traveling herbs.

Rainstalk turned and headed towards Claret. "Hi!" he purred, nuzzling her head.

"Hello, Rainstalk." Claret mewed weakly, "The kits are extra fidgety today. Could you ask Brightbush or Shroud for some soothing herbs?"

"Sure." Rainstalk bounded off to find the herbs that Claret had requested.

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