Chapter 6

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 Mudshell curled up next to Snoweye, whose breathing was worsening by the day. He worried that soon her health would be beyond repair. The GaiaClan medicine cat, Cardinal, had run off with his littermate, Claret, so there was no chance of her being cured in time if things got worse.

Hate burned in Mudshell's heart as he turned away from Snoweye and stood. He needed some fresh air to clear his head. He padded out of the den and began absent-mindedly washing his forepaws.

An unfamiliar scent wafted up his nose. Hackles rising, he slowly began to stalk towards the smell. A tiny mewl stopped him in his tracks. As the mist cleared, he could just make out the figure of a tiny kit wandering around, seeming lost and mewing pitiously. Mudshell took another step forward and the kit jumped in surprise before losing its balance and tumbling back into the bushes below. A distant owl screech made Mudshell's heart race as he streaked towards the helpless kit and snagged it by the scruff before jumping back up onto the rocky ledge and into camp. The kit's white and brown fur rose and fell as its half-closed eyes stared into Mudshell's, its fear scent making him gag.

The clan leader, Acrestar, also Claret and Cardinal's father, strode out of his den, his raspy voice rattling, "Mudshell? What is this?" The kit mewled in terror as Acrestar strode closer, hackles lifted. Hearing the tiny cry, Acrestar's gaze softened and his hackles fell back. Mudpelt began to speak, but Acrestar cut him off. "This kit is now GaiaClan property." he purred, nuzzling the she-kit's spiky head.

Snoweye woke to an empty den. She arched her back nimbly and padded out to join her mate, Mudshell. Mudshell had a tiny white kit dangling from his mouth, a tiny nick in its bleeding ear from where it had caught on a branch on the way back to camp.

Snoweye approached the kit cautiously. The kit took one look at her and began mewling and reaching for her. She crept nearer and it began kneading her ear, mewing happily.

Snoweye tentatively pried the kit off her head and placed it gently on the ground, before padding over to Mudshell, who was speaking to Acrestar.

"What's going on?" Snoweye asked, looking back at the kit, who was reaching for Snoweye.

"That kit wandered in this morning. Nearly snatched by an owl." meowed Mudshell, before lowering his head and nudging the straying kit back towards him.

Acrestar's eyes suddenly lit up and leapt onto the speaking rock. He declared, "All cats please join us! We have a new kit in camp, and I have decided on a name for it." Acrestar paused, letting his message spread before continuing, "It will be called Leafykit, as it has arrived just as Greenleaf has begun, and has a leaf shaped patch of copper fur on its belly."

Leafykit mewled and bounced happily over to Snoweye, who nuzzled the kit before letting her climb onto her back.

Mudshell gave Snoweye a puzzled look and then shifted his gaze to Leafykit. Her defiant eyes stared right back at the mangy warrior.

He picked Leafykit off of Snoweye's back by the scruff and carried her over to Sweetpool's den and swept the dried leaves away from the opening as he entered. Sweetpool was a beautiful warrior who had recently kitted. She now spent every day watching her kits anxiously.

Sweetpool, who was gently nursing her own two kits, Mulberrykit and Crocuskit, who were suckling at her stomach. She looked up and purred. "Hello, Mudshell."

"Your kits look healthy." Mudshell commented, giving Crocuskit a quick lick when he rolled onto his back and mewled for attention.

"Yes, but they are the neediest kits ever." sighed Sweetpool, licking both of their heads in turn.

"I have a favour to ask." meowed Mudshell, seating himself among the moss, as not to appear intimidating or harsh.

"Yes?" Sweetpool looked up from her mewling kits.

"I was wondering if you could care for this lost kit as well as your own, since his mother seems to be away." He shuffled his paws and lowered the kit next to the others.

Sweetpool narrowed her eyes. "Why can't Snoweye take care of her?" she snapped, before lowering her head to wash her kits.

"Snoweye is not bearing kits, and cannot bear milk for Leafykit." Explained Mudshell. Leafykit purred at her name and padded over to Sweetpool, sinking into her long fur and feebly suckling and kneading her stomach, letting out pitiful wails as Crocuskit kept pushing her out of the way and stealing her milk.

Sweetpool glanced down and her eyes softened. "All right." she sighed, giving Leafykit's head an affectionate lick. "She can stay with me."

Mudshell gave Sweetpool a grateful lick on the ear and padded away.

Feeling satisfied, Mudshell began pacing towards his den. As soon as he entered, Snoweye greeted him with a terrified mew. All Mudshell's happiness melted away as he meowed, "What's wrong?"

"I-I think..." Snoweye stammered, her left ear twitching uncontrollably. "I think I'm bearing kits!"

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