Ghost Chase Part 6

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Addie glanced over the crowd to where the museum director stood watching. She had been reluctant to have a psychic channel a ghost as part of a museum talk, but Matthews had convinced her. He was nothing if not persuasive. Addie brought all of her charm and my boyfriend's good looks to bear on the lady.

"That's why I need to get hold of the letter I wrote before I died. As a spirit, it can be hard to remember the things you knew when you were alive. I don't know where the gun is, but I left clues to its location in the letter," Addie said.

Matthews also looked at Janet, who was the Programs and Community Director, in charge of the museum working for the board of The Southwest Seattle Historical Society, who ran the museum. Members of the audience turned around and stared as well. I could feel them all rooting for Addie to get the letter. Matthews sure knew how to get reactions from people. Janet's face went red, but I knew she wasn't going to refuse. I decided I would avoid the museum for a while after this.

"Will you lend Miss Bolton her letter?" Matthews asked. "I'll make sure it is returned to the museum unharmed."

Janet was no dummy, a few of the people in the audience were friends of the members of the board. They seemed quite favorable to the letter being loaned out. Matthews had told me that one of the most prominent board members was helping finance his Netflix show.

She pasted smile on her face. "I will have to check with the board, but it might be arranged."

One of the audience members pulled out her phone. "I have the president on the line right now. Why don't we ask her?"

Janet took the phone and spoke quietly for a few minutes. "The President approves. I will hand over the letter after the Mr. Matthews' talk is over."

The sour look on her face reminded me of why I hadn't wanted to get involved with this ghost hunter. I hoped Addie wasn't disappointed with her descendent's reaction to finding this gun, if it even happened. She hadn't told me that she didn't remember where the gun was, but what she said about ghosts having trouble remembering things from when they were alive was quite common. I hoped the gun hadn't been found by someone in the years Addie had been dead, but we'd cross that bridge when we came to it.

Addie left Matthew and he returned to his seat. Matthews finished his talk and then held a quick question and answer session. I got the feeling the entire audience wanted to go on this new kind of hunt with him, but he pawned them off by saying they would see it all on the Netflix show. It seemed my everyday mission to help a ghost find closure had been taken over the by the ghost hunter. I wanted to take back control before it was too late.

When he was done shaking hands, I came over. "We need to talk."

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