Ghost Chase Part 8

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Matthews went off to make a call to his filming crew and I took the opportunity to talk with Addie about the whole thing. I wasn't sure she wanted her family scandal broadcast on TV. Most ghosts I've dealt with aren't too happy about publicity of their family secrets. Having an affair with Buffalo Bill might be exciting, but did Addie want the whole world to know she had a child out of wedlock?

"Addie, we didn't check with you whether you want your story put on television. Are you Ok with this?" I asked.

A smile lit up her whole face. When spirits are happy, it feels like the whole room is filled with sunshine. I saw the way she must have looked when she performed in the wild west show. I realized that Addie was star struck.

"Oh, Genevieve, when I first saw the moving pictures I imagined being in them, but it was too late, I was dead. This is so exciting. Maybe this is what will let me cross over," she said.

"I'm glad you're on board and enthusiastic. Mr. Matthews is calling his people. I just hope Beth is as happy about airing the family laundry as you are."

"You worry too much. I think anyone would be proud to know their ever so many greats grandfather was famous. I told you she looked into her family history. I'm sure she'll be happy to learn more about it."

"That might be, but maybe not to learn about it and have that information immediately put on a Netflix show."

"If she's anything like me, she'll love it. Hell, if she's anything like Bill, she'll eat the attention up with a spoon."

I knew Matthews would get all the proper forms for Beth to be part of the show if she was willing, but I decided she needed a little warning before we all descended on her house in South Seattle. I poodle my phone out of its case and dialed her number. Fortunately she answered a call from a number she didn't know.

"How can I help you?" she asked.

"Miss Bolton, this is Genevieve Adair..."

Before I could continue she said, "The necromancer. I've heard of you. Why are you calling? Is it something to do with a ghost?"

"Yes, the ghost of Adelaide Bolton. She had a few things to tell you and you can help her cross over."

"That's amazing. When can we meet?"

"Have you heard of Robert Matthews?"

"Of course, I'm a member of Ghost Hunters of Washington State? Are you working with him on this hunt?"

"Something like that."

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