Ghost Chase Part 22

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We reached the restaurant in time for Happy Hour to still be going. I'm not much of a drinker. I like to keep my wits about me at all times. I've been known to drink a single glass of wine with a nice dinner, but more than that makes my head spin, which is no way to deal with ghosts. Fortunately it was still too early for the Castle to be super busy, so we got a table right away.

When our waiter arrived, I did a double take. If he had had the beard and mustache, he would have been an exact double of Buffalo Bill cody. His hair was wavy brown. His right eye was blue and the left one brown. Buffalo Bill was rumored to have had heterochromia. I glared at Addie and she gave me a wink.

"Hi, my name is Will, and I'll be your server today. Can I get you started on any drinks?" he asked.

Beth gaped at him and asked. "Would it be weird if I asked you your last name?"

His smile widened. "A little. It's Dody, and before you ask, yes I am related to Buffalo Bill. Although, since it's on the maternal side, my grandfather did change his last name. I'm technically William Cody the III. Does that satisfy your curiosity?" His tone was a little tangy, but his eyes were smiling.

"A bit, but you see, I just discovered that I'm also related to Buffalo Bill, in a more clandestine manner. I have something you might be interested in seeing."

Will's eyes went wide and I put him out of his misery. "I don't know if you are into ghost hunting, but this guy here is Robert Matthews of GHOWS and I'm Genieve s Adair, a necromancer. Beth's ancestor, Addie Bolton, had an affair with your famous relative. It looks like you and Beth are some kind of cousins."

Beth said, "I hope enough time has passed that the scandal won't make too many waves in your family. My family finds it annoying that I decided to put research into a woman who had an illicit affair back in the 1880s."

"I think this might call for champagne," Will said. "It's almost time for my break, let me talk to the manager."

"That went better than I would have expected," Robert said.

"The Cody's had a fair amount of scandal in their past," Addie said. "It doesn't surprise me he took it in stride."

"I almost suspect you gave him some sort of heads up," I said. "Like maybe a letter." Addie shrugged. I lowered my voice so only she could hear. "I hope you're not trying to start a romance between these two. Matchmaking never goes well."

"I was just looking to create a family reunion," she said. "Anything else that happens is up to them."

William Cody the III sat down at the table with a bottle of French Champagne. We all drank a toast to family. I turned to say something to Addie and watched as she stepped through to the light. It seemed she'd finally told the full truth about her motives and it was time for her to go.

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