Ghost Chase Part 18

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I had moved to the very back of the van, and as we headed for the Bank of California Building, I convinced Addie to join me instead of hovering over Beth. I had a lot more questions for the ghost and I wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Before you say anything, I didn't aim to have this adventure fail. There's another surprise or two coming when we get to the end," Addie said.

"Can you give me a clue?" I asked.

She smiled. "Not long after I died, I found out I have the energy and control to take a pen to paper. Banks are all about the bureaucracy, but the people working there are people who are full of curiosity."

She wouldn't say anything else about the subject. Beth seemed to be having the time of her life. Bill sat behind her and Robert, talking their ears off with stories about the ghosts at the Moore Theater. Robert might regret offering the fellow another guest spot on his show, but maybe not. Listening to their conversation, it seemed the two of them were getting along swimmingly. I selfishly hoped this episode wasn't going to air, I really didn't want to have people saying "Hey, I saw you on Netflix." instead of "I saw you on TV."

I was surprised at how close a parking place we found. It was the end of the day for most of the workers downtown. A few men and women in business suits stared at us as we approached the old building with a camera person. As soon as we walked inside, a woman in a pantsuit walked straight for us. Her name tag said "Candance French."

"Miss Bolton, you have no idea how happy I am to meet you." She offered her hand to Beth. "I'm Miss French, the Branch Manager."

Once they shook, Robert said, "I am Robert Matthews, and we are filming for my upcoming Netflix show. Would you be the one to give permission for us to use footage here in the bank?"

She smiled. "I can have the right person contact you. For now, I want to see this letter from Miss Bolton's ancestor, Adelaide Bolton."

Beth pulled out the letter and the safe deposit box key. Miss French took the letter and led us to her office. She pulled a metal box out of a small safe next to her desk. She unlocked the box and pulled out a stack of papers. Some of them were aged and yellowed, but many of them looked a lot newer.

"These letters were written between January 1889 and last January," Miss French said. "The strange thing is they are all signed by Adelaide Bolton, even though she was dead when they were written. The bank had them analyzed versus a letter verified to be written by her back in 1880. Can any of you shed some light on this? I'm sure the letter you have has that very same signature."

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