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The first rehearsal for the semi final went not as I expected at all. The cameras weren't working at all and the whole choreography was just off. We tried to fix most of the things but since it didn't look the way that I wanted too I had to book another rehearsal for it to be perfect.

"I mean for fuck sake I know they have 37 other countries to help but how come mine is the only one they have no idea what to do. What have I done to you karma?" I was complaining to Charlie and Birdie.

"Maybe because you stole a fur coat with Jan?" Birdie suggested.

"Yeah that must be it because other then that, I have been a very good girl" I said very seductive.

"You seriously need laid these days, you are getting way too horny" Charlie slightly pushed me away from him.

"I know. It is becoming a problem" They were right,  I was so horny and I knew exactly who I was horny for. I mean I thought of that man 24/7. And the fact that I hadn't seen him in person and wasn't able to touch him made it so much worse.

"I'm so touch deprived, it is embarrassing" I was seriously about to do some naughty stuff if I wasn't touched soon.

"You for sure are. I sat next to you on the bus here and you were basically humping my leg" Charlie said in disgust. Me and Birdie just laughed at him. 

He was so gay and hated all female touch. That was the reason why I kept flirting and touching him, because I knew how much it would annoy him.

"Alright you have 20 minutes to fix this and make it perfect" The director told me and my team.

We were all going hardcore and listening to every single instruction because I had been in that room for about 2 hours now and I just needed to get out of there.

Mostly get out of there so I could see Bojan who had landed a few hours ago in Liverpool.

After the 20 minutes had gone by I was pretty happy with the performance. I knew I still had one more rehearsal in a few days to perfect it. 

We all walked to the Denmark dressing room. The whole room was covered in hearts and the Danish flag. We tried to make it kinda feel like home by also having a lego and lots of alcohol in the corner. Just to remind us how the Danish do things: drink it all away.

I remember having dinner with an American family once, while I had about 2-3 glasses of wine for dinner. They all thought I was an alcoholic for drinking "that much" at dinner while that was just a normal Tuesday for me. They should see me when I actually look like an alcoholic and even then the Danish wouldn't call that an alcoholic, they would just call it a fun night.

I got changed out of my costume and into some black suit pants with a green mesh top. I put my black coat on top.

All the contestants were going on a boat today to start the whole Liverpool party. It was the Queen Mary 2 we were going on. 

I was walking with Alika and Jere on the way to the boat. We caught up a little bit but before we knew it we were on the boat with everyone else.

The party had already started. There was a live band playing all kinds of music. I was kinda searching for Bojan since I missed him so much.

I saw Kris and Jan sitting in the corner and went to join them.

"Krisko, Jan my man. How are you guys doing?" I asked them.

"Tired" Jan jawned.

"Well at least you still look good" I winked at him. He was wearing the fur coat.

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