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We had all woken up really early that morning to drive to the shore where we would rent a boat. The Joker Out guys were really not morning people at all and was in horrible moods all the way to the shore. But when we finally had gotten to the shore and onto the boat their moods turned around. Nace had some kind of education in sailing so he was our captain for the trip.

"Welcome to the ship. Do as I say or you will be pushed over board" Nace said as he put the captain hat on.

"AY AY CAPTAIN!" Me, Jere, Alessandra, Jan and Bojan said in choir as we raised our hand up to our head.

We set sail and helped doing all the chores as good little sailers. We got pretty far out onto the sea where we put the anchor down. 

Everyone already had their bathing suits on so we immediately all jumped into the ocean. I was having a water fight with La Zarra but as you all know I of course won it.

I decided to go up on the boat again to tan for a little bit. It however did not last long as a ice cold bucket of water was poured out on me by Nace and Jan. When I tell you I screamed at them, I really mean it.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" I yelled at them as I started racing them around the boat. They ended up getting so scared that they jumped into the water and swam away.

"Don't worry sweetie we will kill them when they are sleeping tonight" Bojan whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek.

"I love having a boyfriend who is willing to kill his best friends for me" I smiled at him as I put my hands around his neck.

"I mean what are boyfriends for if you can't plan a murder with them?" Bojan said being all serious.

"Exactly! Like we will of course take the big knife from the kitchen and stab them around five times each" I casually said.

"And then we will boil them to hide the evidence" Bojan continued my murder plan.

"You guys are really making me question why I'm even friends with you. I'm honestly getting a bit scared" La Zarra looked horrified over at us.

"Your next bitch" Bojan said to her.

"This is my country, I can get you shot in 10 seconds bitch so you better watch your mouth" La Zarra gave him a bit of his own medicine.

"Uh she is feisty, I love it" Bojan laughed.

"Nah I'm kidding babe" She pulled him into a hug. "Or am I?"

"Now you are the one scarring me" Bojan said to her.


"Cheers" I said as we all raised our glasses of champagne into the air. "I'm thankful for you all to be here. I am also very thankful for that Eurovision man who fucked up the votes so I could go on this amazing trip. I love you all"

"CHEERS!" They all screamed.

Jure had already drunk a few cocktails before so he was bit drunk.

"Mates I need to sail this ship" He left his glass and went to the boat wheel. He thought that he was sailing the ship but we still had the anchor attached to the bottom. "You can all call me Captain Jack Sparrow"

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