the graveyard hell "PT 16"

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((((((Authors note:// I am so sorry I was not complete with that last chapter I accidentally published it when my phone was acting up it kept flipping on me while I was trying to write the story and I must have accidentally hit published anyways this chapter will continue what I was saying for the last one oops lol.   I'm sorry this update is taking for a long it's just a lot of stuff has been busy recently but definitely going to get more out to you guys soon)))))

*Mike pov*

After a while when we couldn't find our phones we rounded back up with the other's

Mike: sorry Pete I couldn't find mine or your phone

Pete: it's whatever a spirit probably stole it and probably hid it in the coliseum

I looked up in the sky it's dark out now not too long after I looked up I hear howling

I immediately turned my attention towards Pete then I look forward to my friends oh no not the werewolves

Larry: hey hey guys did you hear that sounds like a creature of the night

Mike: indeed Larry but it's our vampire mortal enemy per'se werewolves and vampires don't get along

Larry: yeah I need to kick their ass going to be just like Twilight brawl

Michael: all right enough of your stupid role play vampire wannabe conformist it's probably just a wolf not a werewolf

Pete: but Michael we should probably keep our guards up anyways if it's a wolf or not

the moon was full In the color of blood
In The night the Werewolves came out of the darkness To the Vampires

Mike: shit not again with the stupid werewolves

The wolves are surrounding the vamp kids I looked to the goth kids and the wolves are not playing them mind

Mike: Pete get you and your friends safe this is a vampire and werewolf fight

Pete: you idiot do you think you can fight these things with your friends

Mike: not much choice I have. Stand back if we really need you I'll yell out for you

I turned into a bat and flew two at a time up to the mausoleum and then I flew back to my friends prepared to fight all of my friends was shocked

Mike: alright let's do this

wolf named Jake He walked up to me
Well, he recognized a Vampire From our school He said something that was
Most uncool

Jacob: Hey, Pretty Boy, with the Sparkly skin! I'm gonna steal your man Cause I hate your  vamp clan and I'm going to destroy it

Mike: excuse you... you will not steal Pete away from me he's my man and he wouldn't go for a stupid conformist like you and I don't have sparkly skin I have pale ass skin I used to put glitter on my face but not anymore bitch that was in elementary

I lunged at the werewolf clawing fighting and biting I was ripping fur off the skin

Fur was flying, capes were torn
Hell hath no fury like a werewolf scorn Wolves were maimed, vampires were crushed thare furry paws in a rush and then Fangs were flyin', capes were torn Hell hath no fury like a Vampire's scorn Wigs were pulled top hats were crushed our pointy boots in a rush. we were mauling each other tarring each other up

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