(S-1/Ep-4) Permanent Retirement

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The Rust Bucket has stopped on a desert road, at an ice cream parlor. Ben, Gwen and Y/n are getting ice cream, while Max is using the local ATM. A dirty red pickup truck pulls up to the same spot, and a big burly man walks up to Max.

Burly Man: Outta the way, "Grandpa". I got a major withdrawal to make!

He shoves Max to the ground. Max looks up and sees a buck-toothed man in front of him smiling; who seems to be the other man's associate. In the parlor, the kids are choosing their ice cream. An frowning old man is serving them.

Y/n: I'll take a chocolate swirl.

Y/n gets his ice cream picked out, and after him Gwen steps up to pick out her flavor.

Gwen: What do you have that's non-fat with less than 3% sugar?

Parlor Worker: Napkins! [To Ben] What about you, kid?

Ben opens his mouth, but gets cut off by the sound of a large chain. He looks out the window and sees the burly man walking to the ATM with a chained metal hook.

Ben: I'm about to go "rocky road"! [He runs out of the parlor and primes the watch]

Outside, the burly man digs the hook into the ATM and yells to his associate in the pickup.

Burly Man: Hit it!

The buck-toothed man tries pumping the gas, but nothing happens. Suddenly, the wheel melts out of his hands and the entire dashboard forms into Ben's black technorganic alien, Upgrade.

 Suddenly, the wheel melts out of his hands and the entire dashboard forms into Ben's black technorganic alien, Upgrade

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Upgrade(Ben): Your cash request has been denied!

Upgrade merges with the entire pickup and kicks the man out the door. He forms back into himself. The burly man grabs the hook, swings it in the air and throws it at Upgrade. He lets the chain wrap around his arm and tugs hard, launching the man upwards into a pole. As he tries to get up, Max puts his foot on his chest.

Max: Where do ya think you're going? Good work, Ben!

Upgrade(Ben): Oh yeah! I'm ready for anything! Bring it on! What's next?

Max: We're headin' off to see your Aunt Vera for the weekend!

Upgrade(Ben): Ugh, boring old Aunt Vera?! Nooooo!

The Rust Bucket continues driving through the barren desert.

Gwen: When Aunt Vera said she wanted to "move away from it all", she really meant it!

Ben: Aw man, this summer was supposed to be about F-U-N, not hanging out in some old lady's place.

Gwen: I like Aunt Vera!

Ben: Duh! That's because you act like you're a hundred years old!

Y/n: C'mon, Ben. How bad can Aunt Vera be?

Ben 10 Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now