(S-1/Ep-7) Kevin 11

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The Tennyson's and Y/n check in to a fancy hotel in New York City.

Gwen: Wow, this hotel has everything! Indoor pool, full day spa...

Y/n: [Impressed] I gotta admit, I like this pad.

Max: Now, don't get used to it, it's only for one night.

Ben, who was bored, suddenly sees a Sumo Slammers-brand kiosk installed in the mall.

Ben: Woah, the new Sumo Slammer video game's in there!

As he reaches the entrance, a guard stops him.

Guard: Pass?

Ben: [Fumbling around in his pockets] Uh, must've left it inside. I'm one of the game pros testing out the system!

Guard: VIPs only.

Ben drops the act and slumps back on over to Y/n, Gwen and Max.

Max: I know what you're thinking, so no sneaking back in there.

Ben: I won't!

Ben waits for them to leave and smugly turns on the Omnitrix, as Y/n stays back with him.

Y/n: [Suspicious look] What're you thinking, Ben?

Ben: [Smirks; twists dial to Ghostfreak] Just that I've got a way to play that game. [Gets an idea] Wanna join? You could get the chance to play it before it comes out...

An invisible Ghostfreak flies up next to the guard.

Ghostfreak(Ben): [To security guard] But he will!

Ghostfreak flies past the confused guard to where the game is being held and picks up the controller.

Ghostfreak(Ben): The ultimate sneaky peak... for the ghost with the most freak!

At an elevator, Max pauses before pressing the 'up' button. He looks behind him.

Max: Ben?

"HIGH SCORE 500,000" flashes on the game's screen.

Ben: Yes! New high score!

The guard walks up to Ben and grabs his shoulder.

Guard: What do ya got to say for yourself, kid?

Ben: Uhh, "game over"?

Ben, Gwen, Y/n and Max are kicked out of the hotel. The guard throws them their luggage.

Guard: [Furious] And never come back!

Max: [To Ben; angered] I told you not to sneak back in there.

Ben: Well if you want to get all technical about it...

Gwen: [Growing angry] I never even got a chance to take a shower, in a real shower for the first time all summer! Plus they had a spa. A spa! Nice going, doofus.

Y/n: [Also growing angry] And I wanted to sleep on an actual bed, Ben. But as always, all you think about is Sumo Slammers!

In the Rust Bucket, Max is scolding Ben.

Max: How do you expect me to trust you if you keep misusing the watch?

Ben: Excuse me, I used it 100 times for good! Why can't I use it just once for me?

Max: It's not how many times you use it Ben, it's how you use it!

Ben: It was no big deal.

Max -To you. And that's all you care about! So, no more 'Sumo Slammers' stuff for 2 weeks! No comics, no trading cards, no-!

Ben 10 Gwen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now