A Chance

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Happy ending

Married Taekook

Taehyung sat alone on their 11th floor balcony, a cup of lukewarm coffee by his side. He was restless, impatient and apologetic.

Apologetic of his behaviour towards the one person in the whole world he loved the most. Sure he did love his parents, his brother and friends; but he was in love with Jungkook, his husband who at every juncture, every moment, took his breath away.

He wanted nothing more but to beg for his forgiveness, but he knew that jungkook would be fast asleep by now. The clock at the nearby church had struck a single gong a few minutes ago.

When they had married two years ago, they had decided that they would never ever go to bed angry, they would try to resolve their issues first, discuss about the same and communicate.

But tonight, taehyung had hurt him badly. Almost as if to take revenge of the hurt feeling that he has been nursing since evening.


They had made love that night.

Frenzied, angry, punishing and all consuming.

And finally, when a single teardrop had rolled down jungkook's cheek, did taehyung realize that it had nothing to do with love at all. He had been punishing jungkook, all the while.


All this had started with a simple invite to attend a friend's Anniversary celebrations the evening before.

Taehyung who had been working around the clock for the past few days and desperately needed a break. Within a short time, he had already established himself as an excellent doctor and the the hospital had trusted his with many difficult cases. The deluge of cases sometimes felt difficult to handle.

He had finally been able to get some time off time for himself. For jungkook. He wanted to spend some quality time with jungkook, doing nothing, just lazing around at home and maybe wandering around the city a bit, aimlessly.

He had known that jungkook was also keeping longer hours at work recently and seemed a bit stressed out. They work at the same hospital; yet they hardly met - such were their schedules.

In fact, when jungkook had joined the same Hospital, taehyung had joked that jungkook had done so to keep an eye on him, to ensure that taehyung did not go around flirting blatantly with all the nurses there. Jungkook had laughed out loud at the joke and had then rewarded him with a kiss.


Taehyung knew Kai, whose wedding anniversary they had been invited to. Kai had been one of those admirers of Jungkook who had refused to give up even after Jungkook got married. Initially, Taehyung had found it funny but when Kai started showing up at their place at odd hours, Taehyung had started reacting. Not because he didn't trust Jungkook, but because he didn't want Kai to take advantage of Jungkook, who being true to his sweet and kind self, was kind of surviving those visits.

Taehyung had tried speaking to Jungkook about the same, but Jungkook had brushed away his doubts by saying that he was just trying to help Kai move ahead.

So finally, when Kai had visited their pad to announce his wedding, Taehyung's happiness knew no bounds. He had been more happy than the bridegroom himself.

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