Valentine's Day

521 29 2

Married Taekook

Taehyung- CEO

Jungkook- Administrating head in Seoul hospital

"The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love"

Jungkook looked at his watch anxiously.. the day was nowhere close to ending. He had applied for a half day and wanted to finish his work as soon as possible. He laughed remembering the morning when he lied to his supervisor that he was not feeling well and hence needed a half day.. his supervisor had no idea that it was Valentine's Day and that was the real reason behind the request.

Signing off on the last batch of files, jungkook smiled contentedly as he got up to make his last rounds for the day - this was concerning a patient who needed to be discharged that day. As he walked down the hall, he recalled the night before..

Jungkook was reading a book and taehyung had his head on his lap. Jungkook's hand was fondling taehyung's hair gently in between flipping the pages while taehyung's eyes were half-closed, his arms folded over his chest.. humming a tune jungkook could not recognise.. in the softest of tones..

Jungkook's hand stopped in his hair when Taehyung asked him what he wanted for a gift for Valentine's.. Jungkook put down his book and looked at him, wanting to make sure he was not joking. It was unexpected for jungkook - he did not think for a moment Taehyung was one of those who took Valentine's seriously. They had never been in a situation where either of them had the money or involvement to buy each other gifts specially for Valentine's day.. Taehyung was smiling back at him, almost radiant.. Jungkook could imagine a hundred thoughts in elder's head.. trying to second guess his choice of gift..

Running a finger down his temple, Jungkook told taehyung that his gift should be something the elder 'cannot buy' and laughed, throwing his head back.. he thought the matter was sorted because Taehyung had gone all silent.. Jungkook's hand was still in his hair.. but now taehyung held it and brought it to his chest.. closing both his hands over it, hugging younger's hand as his palm spread over his heart..

"Hmmm...", Taehyung drawled... before going to sleep. Jungkook knew Taehyung was not going to go all out for Valentine's anyway .. but he was going to surprise his love. Jungkook had planned to take half the day off..

Coming back to reality, jungkook checked his phone.. there were no messages from Taehyung. Jungkook was a tad bit disappointed. Taehyung didn't even wish him. He was being silly. He had himself mentioned the day the night before... of course he remembered, maybe he was having a difficult day at work. Jungkook thought about calling the elder but he held himself back.

Jungkook knew what his surprise for his valentine was going to be.. he was going to cook a 3 course meal, full of things taehyung loved. Jungkook never got the time to cook for him properly - they hustled up dishes that were simple and fast.. things they could make together. But this was going to be special - his true labour of love. He lugged the bag full of grocery and ingredients into the kitchen and huffed as he mentally thought over the menu..

It was going to be Jajangmyeon, bulgogi, japchae and chocolate ganache for dessert. He shot a quick message to taehyung asking what time he was going to get free - he replied a few minutes later saying he had a meeting planned that would take at least 2 hours. Jungkook was happy.. he had all the time to finish this..

Cooking the meal turned out to be therapeutic for him.. he finally felt like he was going out of the way for something.. otherwise life with Taehyung was so easy.. there were no real hurdles they were facing.. they were madly in love.. but every now and then Jungkook yearned for something extra-special and now he was happy, he was creating that special something.. The bell rang and he panicked.. the ganache was in its last stage and he hastily removed his apron to open the door.. he knew it was his love..

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