Suite No. 301

553 32 4

Taehyung- 30

Jungkook- 29


 "Aah! going to be one...fine...night...hell yeah!", Taehyung said playfully with an undertone of seduction in his voice as he dabbed his favorite after shave while he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

'After a long day outdoors, a warm bath followed by scotch on rocks and...' a soft knock on the wooden door interrupted his chain of thoughts.

"Come in", Taehyung ordered and walked out of the glass door restroom to see the intruder of his thoughts.

"Mr. Lee?", a soft but confident male voice inquired and the door was pushed open. He warily entered the spacious VIP suite on the 21st floor of The Westin hotel.

A slim figure standing five feet seven inches tall, in a designer suit, wearing a seductive perfume had just entered and caught Taehyung's attention. He was pleasantly surprised to find a fine man in his suite, who was of course not expected.

In a split second the boy turned around as he heard the faint sound of a door shutting behind him.

"My my...look who is here, Mr.Jeon Jungkook, the top K-drama actor in town, in MY suite!", Taehyung exclaimed and walked slowly but dramatically towards him.

"You? What...What are you doing here?", jungkook said incoherently in a small voice. Just Taehyung's mere presence in the same room had set his heartbeats racing at an alarming speed.

'Damn! Why did he have to look so hot even in a bathrobe?', jungkook thought as taehyung neared him. He tried hard to tear his eyes away from the older's smoldering gaze but failed miserably. He failed to breathe having lost control over his senses and soon color faded from his glowing skin.

Taehyung lazily took the last step towards him almost towering him and said calmly, "You are in Suite 301 booked in the name of Kim Taehyung, and not Mr. Lee!"

Jungkook looked embarrassed at learning this piece of news. Taehyung paused to see his flushed cheeks before he added, "You probably were confused while inquiring at the reception earlier this evening" and winked.

"Damn it Jungkook!", he muttered to himself under his breath as he adjusted his weight from one foot to another.

"Did you say something?", Taehyung asked as he gently raised his hand and slowly tucked a hair strand behind jungkook's ear. His fingers lingered a little longer than required at the base of his neck, giving jungkook goose bumps all over his exposed arms.

"I...I am sorry, I should be in suite 310 to meet Mr. Lee", jungkook said hastily brushing taehyung's hand away and turned around.

"What is the hurry Mr. Jeon?", Taehyung said lazily and inched closer to him. Jungkook stepped back gingerly, not breaking the eye contact even once. When he hit his back against the cold wall, he realized he was trapped by taehyung.

"Let me go please", Jungkook pleaded and tried to squeeze out of his authoritative trap. He flushed as Taehyung neared him and gently ruffled his wet hair splashing the cool droplets of water on his face. Jungkook closed his eyes in response and wriggled when he felt Taehyung's warm breath at the base of his neck.

Bending a little to reach his ear, taehyung whispered, "Be my guest, sir". Jungkook erred to look back at him in his eyes and as always was tongue tied. Taehyung smiled mischievously when he received no reaction from Jungkook except his shallow breathing. He gently wiped out the droplets of water on jungkook's lips with his thumb and looked pleased as the younger squirmed further with his touch.

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