Chapter 2: Hero's And Villians

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Later, ChiChi, Wendi and Ise were outside, Chi is currently focused on the skies, she first believed whatever flew past the window was a plane but...she would've heard the engines, plus, planes can't fly that low without it had to be a bird...or a Hero...was she just milliseconds away from meeting a Hero?, if only she hadn't needed to bend down to tie her shoes...and plus, it had to be a bird or a Hero. There was a swoop in the wings, it's what alerted her, as she stated blankly into the skies, Ise looks at her "Hey Chi, whats grabs your attention now?" she looks up with her, Chi looks at her, then back up "It had to be some sort of winged creature" "oh, that. As I said, I'll believe it when I see it" she sits back and bites into an Egg Mayo Sandwich, Wendi looks at Chi "I believe you ChiChi" the tanned girl smiles at her blonde friend "Thanks Wendi" they sat, eating their lunch when Ise grabs a book out of her bag "I got a Hero's book..." Wendi and Chi look, Wendi is quite enthralled into how the Each's work, Chi is also as enthralled as Wendi but Ise is completely enamoured by them. She flips to a page and starts reading "The term to refer to good people with Each's, Hero, was a fan created term. Use to distinguish them from the Villains, The Hero's are governed by the leading Hero's in their respective countries. For example, Hero's based in and around Japan are led by one of the Elementals" ChiChi looks at her "What's an Elemental?" She reads on more "It doesn't say, I'll try and find more about them" That has peaked Ise's attention

Wendi takes the book and reads "The leading Hero's of the different countries act as a substitute government force since the actual World Government wants to destroy the concept of Hero's, it has been known that the Government have hired low grade villains to deal with Hero's, functionally putting bounties on them...that's evil, who could hurt the Hero's" Ise sighs "We've known this forever. People with Each's can't even get normal Jobs without facing punishments" ChiChi looks mat her friends "If I had an Each, i'd destroy the Government, what have they ever done for us anyway. They're so hell-bent on destroying Hero's that they've neglected their designated sector. If I had an Each...I'd fight back, I'd target the Government" Ise smirks , she loves seeing her friend get fired up, she stands and puts her hand forward "I'll join that fight Weiko" Chi stands and shakes her hand, Wendi also stands "If I may...I want to join!" She smiles warmly and excitedly, the girl look at her and hug her close, they laugh a little "Right!. Let's make a promise, if we have some dormant Each, we'll train hard and fight back. Reclaim this world for Hero's!" They all cheer at that

Under ChiChi's, Wendi's, Ise's and everyone feet, a guard waits by a shadowed door as footsteps approach, he looks up and smiles a little "Never thought I'd see you down here...Atmoss" she smirks "What. Can't a gorgeous girl like me visit my bad boys?" The guard puts in a 15 digit pin in and signs in Atmoss for entry, she's approved as the doors open with a slightly deafening creek, they walk through as they hear jeers "oooh, a hero's here...We have been bad" one large man says, the guard ignores him but Atmoss blows a kiss, she walks with the guard "They seem calm, unusually calm" "True, they've been like that for days now, God knows why" Atmoss smirks "Probably because they know if they start, you'll put them down" he chuffs "I don't do much fighting now Atmoss, not after that damn injury. I can barely get 30% of my power" the woman sighs, stroking his back "Why not just go to Sawaranga. I'm sure he could do something" "Yeah, shove a bunch of tubes in me, how come he's the authority on Each User's" "True...but, he's a Scientist, and whether we like him, can't deny that big brain of his" the guard tuts "Sure..."

They walk more, all of a sudden, a rogue prisoner launches for the guard and Atmoss, she grabs his fist and tightens her grip, he flinches, Atmoss applies more crushing pressure, her arm getting redder, he buckles " silly...silly boy Malcolm" her tone becomes a lot darker "'re right...i...I'm sorry Ma'am" he was once a 6'8, titan of a man, now reduced to nothing but a sniffling child, she lets go, his fist now resembles a crushed peach, she smiles "Oh well, no harm done, I'll let cha off Malcolm" she winks, as they turn their backs, he stands and builds some sort of fireball in his other hand, jumping up, she looks up "always a dumbass I s'pose..." Just before Malcolm makes contact with her, she punches him in the head, sending him flying into a wall with a crash and a squelch, her skin sizzles a little before letting out a tiny, slow burst of steam. Atmoss places her hand in the pockets of her trousers "any other fighters...c'mon, don't be shy" they all back away from their cells, she pouts "Awww, I'm sorry baddies, did Atmoss scare ya?" She smirks and walks with the guard, he smiles "Nicely done Hammer-Arm" she giggles, cracking her fingers "Eh, all part of being a Hero I s'pose" they walk a little more, other guards rush to the body of Malcolm to clear him away, the wall his titan of a frame crashed into has a crater embedded into its structure. Atmoss is one scary lady.

Next Time: We'll see what happens when you anger ChiChi, and maybe even find out who picked up that note of hers!

Omake...i guess

(Atmoss) -Hello my cuties!. I hope Hammer-Arm Atmoss didn't scare ya too badly, Malcolm is just a silly boy, oh well, he's definitely learnt one lesson...ah damn, broke a nail, I have to get this fixed, see ya soon darlings!. X-

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