Chapter 30: Don't Crack On Me P2

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Margana smiled "before we get started here, I want to pre-empt this fight with some knowledge, my Each name is-" he was interrupted by a swift punch to the chest coupled with a kick, sending him back further, ChiChi smirked "One way to break the loop, do something that breaks it, a.k.a, kick you so you can't speak, I also clocked you were also under the effects of your own Each" Margana smiled "Well, I'm thoroughly impressed with you Chiaki, But I'm afraid I can't keep acting as if I'm so linear, one dimensional if you will" Margana swiftly moves right in-front of ChiChi with such insane speed, delivering a kick to her ribs, she hadn't realised he'd moved until she felt her ribs get re-bruised, she regained well "Damn, your Negation Step is pretty good Asti" he laughed a tad "I don't think I remember using such a thing, if I did, it would be a touch overkill" ChiChi was impressed even more, his speed was certainly something to be marvelled at, and this was without using Negation Step, Margana threw a secondary punch which was blocked by ChiChi in an instant with a solid wall provided by Castle, something that further impressed the judges, she was incredibly proficient with her after having it for all of a week almost, Margana was also incredibly impressed, her reflexes were almost tantamount to his own "I must say Chiaki, your reflexes are incredibly honed" "Thanks, I took a few karate lessons when I was young, was obviously worth it I s'pose" Margana nodded in obvious agreement and they continued to fight, ChiChi further utilizing her very impressive Castle skills and Margana using his speed, almost making clones of himself, but ChiChi wasn't at all fooled by them, she had her eye on the real Margana the whole time he preformed his visual trickery. Daichi watched ChiChi, she was preforming well, which annoyed him to no end, his colleagues would push her to become a hero and...he couldn't find a good reason why she shouldn't be, he grimaced to himself, something that Maki spotted from the other side of the room and smirked to himself over.

Margana launched a punch to which ChiChi instantly blocked with her hand, throwing her own just phased through Margana as if he were a ghost, she was confused for a second until she felt a rush of wind behind her, as soon as she did. She felt a kick, sending her flying through the kick and connecting with the ground incredibly hard, Margana smiled "That, by the way, was me using Negation Step. I'm incredibly proficient as you can see" ChiChi grunted "Yeah, I think I got that idea, as did my spine" she stood, slowly placing a foot behind her, not sure if this would work with Margana obviously being very skilled in the skill himself, but it was worth a shot. ChiChi took a small breath and...used Negation Step, appearing in front of Margana, before she even had a chance to attack, he'd had caught her hands behind her, something that shocked her entire being, he had managed to read her attack before she even had time to think it through herself "I will admit, you using Negation is definitely a surprise but, its incredibly slow" he launches her back with a solid kick of his own, once again causing her to splutter, this was impossible, he followed no rhyme or reason in his attacks, why did Maki think a fully grown hero with years of experience was a good fit for her?, this was utterly impossible to contend with. She dragged herself up, seconds away from just taking the final hit, Margana charged as...her hand went up, catching it and throwing HIM back with strength she honestly had no idea she could even dream off, he slammed into the wall, incredibly dazed, she looked as if she was in a dazed state herself but, her reflexes and power had increased by at least double, she ran towards him and started to punch with unimageable speed and power, he blocked a few but had to take a couple, Daichi recognised this, its exactly what had happened to her when they fought, he could barely hold himself up against the attacks, as couldn't Margana, it was as if she was possessed, he finally broke free of the attacks and kicked her back, she skidded across the floor on her feet but rushed back towards him

ChiChi started with the attacks again, Margana managed to dodge a few more, relying on his comparatively lack lustre strength, she laid into his arms as he tried to block them, but it was useless, as she reached back for another attack, he mustered his strength into one attack aimed at her face, it landed and send ChiChi flying, knocking her out of whatever trance she had entered, she hit the floor and coughed "Damn...what the hell?" "I-I could ask the same thing Chiaki, that was, quite the sudden display of strength" Margana was a little bloodied but otherwise fine, ChiChi stood, her hands hurt and she couldn't really make a full fists, she'd have to rely on her legs and save her hands for blocking, Margana launched with an attack to which she barely blocked, she tried to kick him but to no avail, he had dodged and landed another kicked to her calf, causing her to fall over, she didn't know how but she had managed to block his next attack without thinking, something was burning inside of her, it was determination, she had to win this now, she had come too far to lose now, she blocked more hits and tried to harness that power again but it was no use, she thought her body would just give out if she had done that, Margana launched another attack, as had ChiChi, they both connected with each other, Margana was knocked back, ChiChi was also knocked back, Titus stood "I'm calling this!" he announced, the fight was over, ChiChi knew she had lost this.

The judges talked for an extended period, Maki stood ChiChi up "You did great ChiChi, seriously. I knew you would" she smile a little, bruised but so incredibly nervous for the judges verdict, they turn back, Daichi stood "I would pass you Chiaki but...honestly I thought you were inconsistent. Its a No" Marie furrowed her eyebrows "Whilst I think Daichi's verdict is fuelled by...some sort of resentment, I thought you were very consistent throughout your fight, if you had just held back a little, Its a No" Xobus looked up "It was entertaining, Yeah, sure" A smile appeared on her face, Edward also smiled "I agree with my young colleague, Its a definite Yes" 2 yesses, 2 no's, she needed the last two to be Yesses, Hikimori sighed "I'm torn, you were great honestly ChiChi, but you could've really hurt yourself out there, no fight is worth dying for...I'm saying No...for now" Titus gruffed, before he could speak "Mr Magnusson!. Please, I need to do this" ChiChi pleaded, tears in her eyes "I need to become a hero, to protect my friends and family, and with all due respect Miss Hikimori, I disagree. If lives are on the line, every fight is worth dying for. Lives are not things Hero's should gamble with ever, so...if my friends or families lives were on the line...then...I'd die in a heartbeat for them!" Titus listened to her words, looking at his notes, then sighing massively "You making a salient point Miss Weikogawa, there are some points in my life I wish I could go back and change. By the order of the Hero Qualification Exam. I pass you with 3 yesses at a D grade, you'll need further training Chiaki but...I can't why you couldn't be a Hero at your level, I'll place you in the hands of...Maki" Maki smirked "I'll take very good care of her" ChiChi hugged Titus, something he hated but...he placed a hand on her back "Right um...go away, I need a nap" She runs out, Margana was really quite pleased for her, smiling to himself. ChiChi left, looking up at the sky, the sun was so immensely bright, but she didn't care, she was one step closer to The World Government now. As they walked away, a figure watched from a building nearby, smirking to himself and lighting a cigar, humming as he walks away

Next Time: We jump ahead a week, going back to school for the gang in...

Back To Reality

Omake...i guess

(ChiChi) -I'm gonna end the Government, I know I am Maki!-

(Maki) -You certain?-

(ChiChi, smiling) -Super Certain!-

(Maki, softly laughing) -Sure, Super Certain-

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