Chapter 21: REaction to Action P2

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ChiChi breathed heavily, she now had to rely on her natural strength and stamina, Daichi was very winded, flaring his thrusters hard "I'll give you one thing Weiko, you sure can kick" he sneered, ChiChi smirked "A compliment?. From you Daichi, wow. I should be honoured" "don't get used to it" Daichi got his breath and once again, flew forward, ChiChi had time to dodge and so did, he stopped moving on the dime and swung his forearm round "Jet Forearm!" ChiChi created a wall which cracked on impact of his attack, she used this to punch forward, narrowly missing Daichi, he grabbed her arm and kicked her with full thrusters, sending the young girl flying back. She crashed into the floor, Wendi and Ise went to rush over, Maki held them back, Wendi looked up "Mr Engoji, Ch-" "Yes Wendi, ChiChi is hurt. And yeah, you should help. But fighting this fight for her would be in turn, cancelling out the reason she's fighting and not you. ChiChi wants to fight for you, not with you. You'll know when you should fight for her, like she understands now, when to fight for you" Wendi didn't understand what Maki was saying...but she understood she shouldn't intervene. ChiChi laid there, her legs felt like jelly...she didn't understand...why?, She felt her stamina was decreasing, melting out of her. Daichi smirked "Aaaand, I do believe I've won this. It was nice fighting you Weiko" he turned away as...ChiChi stood, Wendi, with tears in her eyes smiled "Fight ChiChi!...fight like your life depends on it!" Ise cottoned on "Y-yeah, kick his ass ChiChi!. Break his spine" ChiChi smirked, wiping the blood from her mouth, Daichi turned back "You gonna win ChiChi" "Yeah" she growled a little "Super Certain"

Daichi punched forward, which ChiChi caught and proceeded to punch Daichi, dazing the young man, she then standing kicked him in the stomach and delivers a punch, sending him crashing to the floor, going to punch downwards, when he caught it, deflecting it and quickly getting up. He flared another punch, it hit her, connecting with her cheek but, she wasn't fazed, she took the punch like she'd been a Hero for years, this scared Daichi a little, he delivers flared punches again and again...but none were affecting the young girl. Chichi smirked and punched him, he fell back as she struck down onto one of his thrusters, cracking it slightly "C'mon Nimiya...fight back" she goaded him, Daichi stood and punched as hard as he could muster, ChiChi made a wall, ceasing all inertia he'd had built, she de-activated the wall, causing him to stumble forward, ChiChi used this to knee him in the stomach, causing him to splutter. ChiChi then kicked out, he caught her leg and managed to trip her up, punching down himself now, she rolled out the way, striking him in the back, he stumbled again. Maki found the young girls talent incredible, her strength was unparalleled to even himself, he has to admit, even he would've felt those punches a little, it was evident Daichi wasn't going easy, and he feared, ChiChi would snap out of this daze she was in and buckle

Daichi tried to Jet Forearm again, it connected with ChiChi, dragging her back into a wall, luckily she had managed to stay on her feet using her internal strength. She ran forward as the two traded in-sync blows with each other, they sent small shockwaves that the rest had to shield their eyes from, Maki watches intensely. ChiChi then punched out of rhythm, causing Daichi to get hit in his bruised rubs, he flinched as these blows were starting to really hurt, ChiChi also was in pain but, it's like she couldn't feel it, nurses came in, as did Selena. Maki saw her "I'm here if blood needs replacing Mr Engoji" "I didn't think you were still in Japan" She nodded "I am. The Joryukuju Incident kept me here" he nodded, knowing exactly what the young woman was talking about. Olivia also nodded "yeah, it was pretty brutal", Ise watched ChiChi -C'mon Chiaki. You can't let him win- she thought to herself. Daichi put both thrusters together as a huge fireball started to form, she watches putting both hand up "No use trying to block this one Chiaki. I'll be surprised if they'll be enough to put you in a matchbox after this!" He fired the huge attack off, it flew towards her as...

She caught it!. Using two shields at the same time, Ise did Maki, she was excelling in her Each so quickly, it was unbelievable. She threw it back as Daichi Negation Step'd out of the way, behind her, she noticed the wind change, blocking the attack, her ribs were starting to hurt "damn...think I've definitely cracked a rib" She muttered, Daichi looked at her "if you're mortally wounded, stop" ChiChi looked up "hell no!, This a fight, we're here until one of us collapses" "which at this rate will be you..." She looked at him, Daichi wasn't being sarcastic... "I don't want you to die from a perforated lung. Who else am I'm gonna defeat?" ChiChi punched forward. Daichi catches it and throws her over his shoulder, stamping down on her chest, an audible crack was heard " stupid for the rest of your life. This world doesn't need martyrs" he flared up a thruster, pointed at her head fizzled out, he looked and saw a it had been cut out "Bad luck kid..." a guy, who had appeared out of thin air said, before Daichi could say anything, the man shot forward and places his index and ring finger on his forehead, knocking him out cold, kneeling down to ChiChi, she looked up, her Hazel eyes danced with happiness, he did the same thing to her, one last thing escaped her lips before she passed out... "...D-dad"

Next Time: We get a good look at the World Government in...

The World In Our Hands

Omake...I guess

(Atmoss) -Whoah...what the hell!, What a cliffhanger that the strange man really Mr Weikogawa?. I guess we'll all have to find out together!. Love you guys! Baiii!

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