Chapter 2 Meeting the Neighbours

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~ Naruto POV ~

I was running away from my best friend when I notice I ran into something.

- BAM! -

For a moment, I thought that I ran into another light pole. Ha, wouldn't have been the first time, But that was when I noticed that the thing I knocked into started to fall. As I began to fall I started to prepare for the painful impact of the cold floor. Though for some reason... it didn't hurt.

I soon noticed that the object I had fell on, might not have been an object at all. Yup, if anything, it felt like I was on something squishy and warm. Not until I lifted my head did I notice that it was a girl.

I felt my whole body go warm as I stared into the eyes of the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on. And even if I was only one moment but...I swear I felt my heart tug at one moment and it even felt like I couldn't tear my eyes away, scared that if I did so that she'd disappear.

Soon, from out of nowhere, I felt the aura of something deadly, causing me to fall out of my fantasy and look up. My eyes so came to contact at with a guy that looked as though he wanted to kill me a hundred times over. I gulped at the guys face as it felt like it was yelling your-dead-kid! I swear I even saw thunder and dark clouds gather behind him giving adding to my fear.

He soon picked me up and threw me off the girl, as I soon felt myself fall on the street and roll a couple of feet more.

"Oww!" I yelled while I quickly sat down and rubbed my head.

"Who the hell do you think you are laying on Hinata like that, you little shit!" The guy who threw me on the floor yelled in a deadly voice.

"Oji, calm down, it was probably just an accident." Another guy came into the scene and walked towards us with a face that showed that he really didn't give a shit about what just happened.

"But that jerk was on Hinata like he owned her! He's going to pay!" The guy I think named Oji said, as he cracked his knuckles and started to walk towards me.

But I soon watched as the girl I was just on held him back."Calm down Oji it was just an accident. He didn't mean anything by it, right?" the girl said.

I looked at the girl, as she looked at me. I notice that she was waiting for an answer, so I shacked my head yes. Shit! I probably looked like a perverted bastard back there! Naruto you suck at playing it cool!

I soon notice a moving truck was parked in front of the old club building. I think that was the building that my parents use to go to when they were young and reckless. Though before I even got to see how it use to be it closed down. Humph, I bet it wasn't even all that.

I wonder if their planning to move in there?

I turned my attention back to the guy who wanted to end me. As he seemed to have claimed down a bit, but still had the face that said, I'll-kill-for-getting-near-my-little sister.

I slowly got up and off the floor and cleaned myself down as I faced the girl and started to speak.

"Hey, sorry about that. I was running away from my Teme friend. I didn't mean to dump into you like that." I scratched the back of my head, praying that she didn't hate me, as I smiled at her nervously.

"That's ok." The girl said. Wow Even her voice sounds beautiful. But her brother still didn't look pleased, but sorta looked like he let it slide a little. Or I hope he did.

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