Chapter 4 Meeting Tenten

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~ Hinata's POV ~

I couldn't help but laugh. I was more then beyond happy in the fact that people would be friends with me though the kids here are really different than the kids back in my school. In Vermont if you talk crap you're asking for a death wish, even if you were talking about that specific person. Though for some reason here if you do that you just spread more crap about that person, behind their back. Yup, and I've only been here for 30 minutes and I already know how most kids act. This is going to be a great year.

I continued to stare out my wind as I waited for the bell to ring so I could leave already. Though I didn't mind sitting here, the view was amazing. Nothing like South Vermont's for some reason, I could feel as though someone was watching me. I slowly turned around, and that's when lavender eyes meet blue eyes.

I wanted to stare at them forever. But that would be wired. So I awkwardly looked away. As I then felt a blush slowly creep onto my face. I tried to distract myself with something, but nothing seemed to work. Why the hell wasn't our teacher teaching us anything?! If anything could have distracted me, it could have been that! HAH!

~ Naruto's POV ~

Shit! She found me staring at her. Eh! She must think I'm some dirty bastard for staring at her like that! But really, what's going on with me? The only girl that ever made me feel this way was Sakura, but it wasn't as bad as it is right now!

I looked at the time, praying that the class will end soon.

"Hey, Dobe. Eh? What's wrong with your face, it's red." Sasuke said while tapping me on my back. "W-what do you mean? I'm totally fine. Haha."

"Whatever you say," he said while giving me an unassuming look. Hopefully, he just doesn't bring it up again or next time I might not have an answer.


I jumped as I heard the bell. Ha! Saved by the bell! I ran out of the class run. But I felt like a coward doing so. She must think I'm completely wired now! Nice going Naruto!

~ Hinata's POV ~

"What's his problem?" Sasuke said while looking confused at the reason why Naruto ran out the room.

I bet he ran out to get away from me. *Sigh* He must think I'm some weird girl that has nothing better to do but stare at others. Nice going Hinata.

"So what class do you have next?" Sasuke asked me, as I slowly grabbed my things to get ready for the next class

"Oh! Wait to let me check... it looks like I have gym. What do you have next?"

"I have that too. Here let's go together." He said while grabbing my wrist and pulling me to where the gym was. I wonder why he's in such a hurry to leave? I quickly started to notice that people were staring at us while girls were giving me dirty looks like I took something of theirs. How annoying, guess that have girls like that where ever you go.

"Hey, Sasuke what's up with this school? All those girls are giving me cut eye." I whispered into his ear.

"Cut eye? What's that?" He asked finally letting go of me wrist.

"Sorry, that's slang for a dirty look. But really what's up with the girls in this school. Even when I walked into the class with you and Naruto I notice that they were all glaring at me."

"Oh, that. Don't mind it, they do that whenever I get close to anyone who isn't of the same sex as me."

"Heehee, it's nice to see you haven't changed from when we were kids Sasuke. Having all the girls fall head over heals for you. Classic Sasuke move." He looked at me a little strangely but soon returned to looking all serious. "What are you talking about. I didn't have to do anything for them to be like that. Girls are just annoying." I gave him a quick smirk as we continued to walk down the hallway. Though as we walked down the school halls I notice that the school had a lot of trophy cases fill with a bunch of first place trophies all with the name Tenten.

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