Chapter 9 The Truth

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- Chapter 9 -

Like there were no words left to say. The two boys stared mindlessly at the girl that looked far to calm for the actual situation at hand. "You know it's not nice to keep people waiting." The lavender eyed girl said coldly, as she stared daggers at the two boys.

"Why-" Before the blonde boy got the chance to ask his question the girl stood up and headed up the stairs. "We need to talk, follow me if you want answers." Without saying another word, she was gone as she walked up the steps leading to the rooftop of the school.

Without a second thought, the blond boy followed, while wiping away the little tears that still lingered. Though just before Naruto could even go one step, he felt a hand tightly grab his right shoulder. "This could be a trap. We can't trust her anymore."

"Your right." The blond haired boy responded, shocking Sasuke a little, since Naruto was a complete knucklehead, and would usually go head first when someone challenged him. Though before the raven-haired boy could say another word Naruto pulled his shoulder away, roughly. "But, Bee is still up there and it's my fault he is. Besides, it's not Hinata we can't trust, it's us. We started this. It's time we end it." And with that, the Uzumaki boy made his way to the roof.

"Nothing good comes when he's like this," Sasuke said to himself as he followed his knucklehead leader upstairs.

As the boys went up, Naruto stopped when he felt a slight shiver go down his spine when he placed his hand on the nod of the door. Be alive... He repeated to himself as he slowly turned the nod and pushed the steel door open.

Though to tell you the truth nothing could have truly prepared him for what this he quickly slammed the door open.

"What's up, my man? Been a while."

Yup, there was nothing that could have prepared the confused blond haired boy. As his friend, which he thought had died by the hands of Hinata, but wasn't, and was right there...holding a finger sandwich...looking slightly beaten up with a busted up lip and swollen eye hidden behind his shards...sitting on a picnic blanket...and having what looked like a picnic.

"Wa-Wa-Wa-Wa" Naruto stuttered.

"What's wrong Naruto? Cat caught your tongue?" Hinata asked as she sat beside Bee, completely calm.

"What the hell's going on?! Aren't you suppose to be dead!" Naruto finally spat out.

"Who? Me? Who killed me?" Bee asked as he shoved four more finger sandwiches into his mouth.

A silence soon filled the air as you could see Naruto begin to clench his hands, causing his knuckles to go white. His eyes hid behind his slightly long blond hair. "What the hell is this?" The sound of his voice became dark and nerve-racking.

"He's here to stop you," Hinata said simply.


Not giving Naruto a second to speak Hinata stood up and spoke, "You think my friends killed them don't you? The bosses of the Jinchūriki gang, that were murdered 1 year ago. in a gang war."

Naruto didn't respond.

But Sasuke did, "And what if we did? Are you trying to imply that the info we found about the-" As Sasuke was about to continue, only seconds away from saying the name to should not be said, a knife was thrown, slightly scraping his left cheek.

"Don't you dare say that name. Or next time that knife won't miss." Hinata threatened him as she gave him a death glare, causing Sasuke to clench his teeth and do the same.

"Yo Hina. This ain't the time to be let'n your emotions get the better of you. You have to focus. At the task at hand." Bee said as he gave her a stern look.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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