chapter -10

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Sky: Since they are both in the same school... I'll pick  both of them from school....
Rain: Sure... But you don't need to pick him up the next few days....
Sky: Why?
Rain: I have a business trip... So I'll be sending Win to his grandparents house...
Vegas: Grandparents?
Net: He means... Mine,Dean,Mos and Banks parents.... They all live beside each other... Like neighbours...
Kinn: But isn't it far from here....
Net: Yes... He won't be going to class...
Porsche: How about letting him stay here?
Rain: Here?
Pai: Yes... He can go to school with Miky and Miky will have someone to play with him too....
Rain: But.... He never stays with anyone other than me or them... He is quite an introvert and gets angry easily....
Pete: Dear... Do you wanna stay with us?

(Pete asked Win who is looking at everyone.... And then at his Dad....)

Miky: Stay with me Hia... We can play together.... Pa will even read us a story when we go to bed...

(Win smiles at Miky and Pats his head... He then looks at his Dad...)

Win: Can I stay with him?
Rain: Will you be okay?
Win: I can try... If I don't feel good I'll ask Dadda Dean or Mos to pick me up...

(Net looks at him with a knowing look... )

Net: Win?

(Win returns the look....)

Net: Don't cause them trouble okay?
Win: Okay... I won't....
Net: If something happens contact me or your other dadda's okay?
Win: Okay....
Khun: So it's decided.... He is staying with us...
Payu: When are you leaving?
Rain: Tomorrow morning.... I'll ask Dean to send his things here tomorrow.... Sky you can pick him up from school tomorrow.....
Sky: it's done...

(The next day...... In the morning... Everyone was having their breakfast together while bickering...)

BG: Sir a guy named Dean is here...
Kinn: Let him in....

(Dean came in with a few bags...)

Dean:Hii everyone... I came with Win's belongings...
Porsche: Hii Dean... Have you had your breakfast yet?
Dean: Not yet...
Chay: Come and join us...
Dean: Sure.....

(Dean came and sat beside Pharm and gave him a warm smile...)

Dean: Hi Pharm....
Pharm: 😳😳 Hi..ii P'Dean....
Dean: You look cute as always....
Pharm: Thanks...😳☺️..

(Pharm was blushing so hard... Everyone gave a knowing smile....)

Vegas: Dean are your parents still forcing you for blind dates ?
Dean: Yes.. they are....
Kim: Why are you not getting married or do you have someone you like?
Dean: I am just not interested in my blind dates.... As for someone I like... Actually there is someone who catches my attention but i don't know if he feels the same....
Khun: I hope you will get the one for you....
Dean: Thank you....
Pete: About Win... Is there something we should prepare for?
Dean: He is an easy going child... Just don't provoke him... Because he is the son of the devil himself....
Chay: What does he like to have?
Dean: He likes sweet things but not too much.... And he likes spicy food just like his mother and he likes Macarons just like Rain.....
Porsche: Okay then we will make some Macarons for snacks... Miky also loves them....
Dean: And you guys should be careful of one thing.... You may already know He is too mature for his age... So be careful...
Pai: Yeh we know 😅
Dean: And he likes learning... He sometimes doesn't realise and stays awake the whole night reading... So just make sure he goes to bed on time....
James: You even know about his small habits so detailed....
Dean: Not just me... All of us do... Because we Raised him... Me, Rain, Net Mos and Bank we raised him together all these years with love and care.... To be precise he has some of our behaviour too... He sometimes teases others just like Net... He got  his habit of learning for Bank... He got his habit about not showing but giving caring and love from Mos... He is really punctual just like me and He knows how to make decisions  when needed from Rain... He knows how to behave cute like Rain too... And he got his killer smile from his mother.... She had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen....

(Pharm looked a bit Jealous when he talked about her smile..... Everyone noticed it...)

Pete: Was she the one who caught your attention?
Dean: She used to but I never had that sort of feeling towards her.... She was like a younger sister to me... And that one is not her.....

(Pharm's face lit up with hope again... Everyone chuckles seeing his expression....)

Dean: Thank you for the breakfast... I have to go now...
Chay: Bye.. take care....
Dean: Bye everyone...

(Dean left and everyone looked at Pharm who was looking at Dean's back while he was leaving... When he turned back he saw his whole family staring at him.....)

Kim: Do you like him?

(Pharm was stunned and he turned full red... He didn't know what to answer...)

Khun: Do you need to ask? Look at him being all shy around him and he looks like a tomato now with all that blushing...

(Pharm looks at everyone and then at his fingers....)

Pharm: I....I.....I...I do....
Chay: Since when?
Pharm: Since the 1st time I saw him..
James: When did you first see him?
Pharm: In my 1st year in university.....
Pai: You had a crush on him for so long....
Porsche: Why did you never confess?
Pharm: He was my friend's brother and I even thought of confessing but he suddenly disappeared and I never got to see him again.. And we were having problems with Rain's incident and all... Then the 1st time I saw him was with Rain on that beach that day....

(Everyone including Pharm understood why Dean disappeared all of a sudden...)

Chay: Then why are you not telling him now?
Pharm: I am afraid of getting rejected...
Khun: Hey are you really Chay's son? He confessed to Kim when he didn't even get into University he was so young and he confessed to him determined to get rejected..... Show some determination like your Pa kid...
Kinn: He likes you Pharm.... The way he looks at you... It's the same way.. Kim looks at Chay and Vegas at Pete and Pai at Sky and me at Porsche and Nop at Macao and Top at Khun....
Pharm: Dad... Why aren't you saying anything?

(Everyone looked at Kim who was silent....)

Kim: You like him there is nothing I can do about it.... I will support the one you like but if he hurts you... I will kill him even if you beg me not to...
Pharm:☺️ Okay dad....
Top: What about you? When are you going to find one?
Khun: He already has one....

(James choked on his food... Everyone else was looking at him curiously )

James: What do you mean Pa?
Khun: You know what I mean.... Do you think I am blind? I saw how you were getting jealous of Rain yesterday.... On one side Payu was getting jealous and on the other side you.... And it's not the 1st time I saw you behaving like this when you saw him.....
Porsche: Wait a second.... Don't tell me you are talking about Net....
Khun: Yes him.... Just look how he is now turning into a tomato because of embarrassment....
Top: Is it true?

(James doesn't look at anyone and nods his head...)

Kim: Are you guys for real? All of you fell in love with Rain's friends...
Kinn: Pai fell for Sky... Then Pharm for Dean now James for Net....
Khun: I support you my son...
Macao: Why?
Khun: Because he is damn hot 🔥🔥🔥
Porsche: I knew it...
Top: I don't....
Pete: Why?
Top: Because he is a Playboy....
Khun: Ohh really? Do you think your son is a saint? Is anyone in this room saint except Chay?

(Everyone looks at each other and shows a disgusting face.... Chay started laughing seeing their reactions...)

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