chapter -12

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Author's POV

(later in the evening)

Kids came back from the school. Everyone was sitting in the living room talking and doing there own things... Win and Miky were playing with toys on the floor.... Sky bought cake for them... Miky's face was messed up with all the cream and Everyone laughed at the little ones cuteness.. Even Win's smile was reaching his eyes.... Win was then helping Miky clean his face.... Just then he got a call... So he put the call on speaker mode.....

(On call)

Win: Hello.....
Lilly: Hey little brat!!!

Hearing a female voice everyone's attention was towards the call.... Vegas, Payu and the others recognised the Voice. It was Lilly... Rain's secretary....
Win's face lit up hearing the Voice....

Win: Papiiii!!!!!

(Just a pet name that Win calls Lilly....)

Lilly: How are you doing?
Win: I'm good.... What about you? When are you coming back?
Lilly: Soon... The work is going well... Once it's done we will be back....
Win: How are dad and dadda doing?
Lilly: You dad is good as always.... As for your dadda... He is annoying as always....

Lilly said in an annoying voice... Win started giggling....

Win: You guys got into a fight again?
Lilly: He started it....
Win: Childish!
Lilly: Hey brat who are you calling Childish....???
Win: Who else? Both of you...of course...
Lilly: I shouldn't have called you.... I'm hanging up...
Win: Hey... Papiii Don't hang up... Dadda Net is the Childish one...

Lilly started giggling....

Lilly: Now we are talking.... So tell me what gifts do you want me to get for you....?
Win: Gifts?

Win looks at Miky....

Win: What do you want Miky?
Miky: me? I want the new transformer toy....
Win: You heard him....
Lilly: Done...!! Brat you have become a elder brother now but don't spoil your younger too much....
Win: I won't Don't worry....
Lilly: You are just like that annoying Dadda of your when it comes to your loved ones... So I know what you guys will do.... Be good...
Win: I am a good kid...
Lilly: You are a headache brat.... Not just you all your dadda's except your Dad....
Win: You just favour Dad over us...
Lilly: I do little one.... I've to go now or else your dadda will start annoying me...
Win: Okay... Take care and come back soon....
Lilly: Don't worry... I'll take care of myself and the others too... Be good and don't trouble them.... Byee... Love you baby boy...
Win: Mm... Love you to Papii...

(Call end)

Pharm: Let me help you both to clean your hands...

Pharm started cleaning Win and Miky's hands and face...

Sky: Who was it dear?
Win: It's Dad's secretary Lilly...
James: But you called her something else right?
Win: That's a Pet name I call her... Sometimes Dad also calls her that...
Kinn: You guys seems to be close...
Win: Yeh... I know her since birth... When Dad was busy with work she used to take care of me.. She is different that's why I like her....
Vegas: Different? How?
Win: I have seen many both guys and girls approaching Dad and Me... They all have some intention towards him and acts all innocent but Papi she is not like that...
Pete: How is she different?
Win: She doesn't act... She says and does what she wants... Dadda Net annoys her all the time she won't endure it she will fight back... If Dad skips his meals or doesn't take his medicine She scolds him and Dad obeys like a child.... If she is upset she will behave like a child and sulks she takes her work seriously she keeps her personal and professional life good although they are close she keeps her professional life away from her personal life... And she treats me like a child... She doesn't expect something from me like my dad and Dadda's... All the outsiders except me to be great at everything like my dad and most of them talk to me and give me pressure but my family doesn't do it they just tell me to be a kid at my age... Do you know what I love the most about her?
Porsche: What?

Everyone looked at Win.... Win looked at Payu... There was a sweet smile on his face when he said his next words but it was like a threat to Payu....

Win: She loves my Dad....

Payu felt a pang in his heart.... Everyone looked at each other....

Chay: what do you mean by love?
Win: She likes him... She even confessed to him.... She first asked permission from me and she confessed...
Kim: Then what happened?
Win: Don't know what clearly happened but she said she feels good after telling her feelings to him.... Even after the confession they were close as always my dad didn't kick her out like he did with the others...
Payu: Do you like her?
Win: I do....
Payu: Do you..... Do you like her as your mother? As another parent?

Payu was shuttering.... Everyone was sad seeing Payu's state....

Win: My mother? Papii will never be able to take my real mother's place but I love her as my mother.... If one day Dad choses her I will be more than happy....
Payu: What..... What about me?

Everyone looked at Payu.... Tears where threatening to fall from his eyes.... He was staring at the floor avoiding everyones stare at him....

Win: What about you?
Payu: If I.... If I want to be your father.... If one day your Dad accepts me.... Will you also acknowledge me?

There was a deep silence in the room... No one spoke a word.... Everyone was looking at Payu and Win....Win closed his eyes and took a deep breath....

Win: Do you want to hear the truth?
Payu: Yeh...
Win: Do you want to hear it even if it hurts you?

Payu clenched his fits and closed his eyes and the tears rolled down his cheeks...

Payu: Yes....

Payu's POV

I was looking at the kid's messing around when Win got a call... He put it on speaker because his hands were a mess... I recognised the Voice it was Lilly... Rain's secretary.... I saw how happy Win was when she called... I wanted Win to show that smile to me too.... The more the talked the more I understood that they have a really close relationship... Dad Kinn asked about it.. he said she is different and that's why he like her... I wanted to know the reason... So did the others... They asked him...  His each words showed how much he likes her... It was just like how he talks about his dad or dadda's... But his last words broke me.... She likes him? Win like her because she likes Rain.... Uncle Chay asked more about it.. His each word was like a cut in my body... At last I asked him the question that was killing me... He said she will never be his real mother but he loved her as his mother.... I was broken... But I wanted to know.... I wanted to know If one day things change... And I get a chance to be his father... Will he accept me? I asked him.... He asked me If I wanted to know the truth even if it hurts me.... I want to know.... I want to... Maybe it will help me destroy the last string of hope I have.... Maybe it will help me kill myself and reborn as new... Or it will help me go towards Rain or it will give my last hope a bit of strength..... Anyway I want to know.... Even if it will kill me... I want to know.. I... I really want to know......

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