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"Spreading ridiculous rumours about me, are we Potter?" Draco spat as he had Harry pinned against the wall a few days after what had happened in the blond's bedroom. 

"Care to elaborate on what the bloody hell it is you are talking about?" Harry replied with a raised eyebrow. 

It had been around a week since Harry had gone back in time and slowly the raven was getting used to his old life again. It was hard. No one was behaving the way he had been used to in his future. Especially Draco. He was bullying Harry again and Harry wasn't really against it surprisingly enough. 

It was way better than the blond no longer being by his side. Harry would trade Draco’s death for this anytime. He didn't regret his decision for this. But he sure as hell regretted it in the way that he now had to deal with his annoying 'friends'. The ones who didn't know what personal space meant. 

"The entire castle's talking about this and you're going to tell me that you don't know what it is I'm talking about?" he said through gritted teeth as he applied pressure on Harry's collar. 

"Oh that!" Harry exclaimed in false surprise and that only angered Draco more. And Harry chuckled. He knew how to get on his husband's nerves. "What do you want me to say? It's not like they're wrong."

"What do you mean, ‘it's not like they're wrong’ ?!" 

"Is it really that difficult to believe that I'm from the future?" the raven asked Draco who blinked at him. "A future in which you and I are doing a lot of wonderful nasty little things together. In bed. Naked." he teased and watched in amazement the way the blond slowly turned green. What he didn't see, however, was the fist coming straight at his face. 





After that encounter, many more followed. And they all consisted of Harry messing around with Draco's sanity by teasing him like his life depended on it. It got to the point where Draco was genuinely trying his very best to avoid any contact with Harry. For a moment, the raven thought he had gone too far and he had made the blond way too uncomfortable with his sexual jokes but that was ruled out when he caught the blond's eyes in potions class and Draco flushed bright red before snapping his head around. 

Students kept coming up to Harry and asking him if it was true he travelled back in time and, if so, where was the teenage Harry and other questions about the future. The raven tried to answer those questions as best he could without going into too much detail about the reason why he had come back in time. He never wanted to think about those memories ever again. It pained him to no end to think about Draco, unmoving as he laid in Harry’s arms, blood pooling around them. 

It was traumatising. And Harry couldn't stop the nightmares from occurring. It wasn't really something new, the nightmares. They just changed. When he was still in school, he used to dream about Voldemort and his parents. Now, every time he closed his eyes for more than a couple of minutes, his dead husband's body would pop up in his mind, haunting him through the night. 

Harry put up a front every single day, ignoring his 'friends's questions as to the reason why he looked so tired or why he wasn't eating properly. The reason was that he had seen Draco's body so much during the night that he knew the moment food would touch his tongue, he would vomit. So instead, he would joke about eating too much sweets and chocolate just before lunch or dinner. Hermione usually looked at him through careful eyes, judging if he was telling the truth or not before brushing it off and scolding Ron for 'eating like a bloody pig'. 

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