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They were running.




They were happy.

Harry dived into the warm water of the lake near their house before swimming back to the surface, right in front of his husband. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" the blond asked in a light happy tone, his smile outshining the sun as he looked back at Harry. 

"Marry me." he blurted out and Draco looked taken aback for a moment before breaking into soft laughter. 

"We're already married, love, what are you saying?" he said, his eyes shining bright but meanwhile Draco was laughing, Harry was not. The raven grabbed his husband's hips and pulled him closer, stopping the blond's laughter immediately by the sudden closeness. Draco was now gazing back at Harry through his lashes shyly, waiting for the raven to speak. 

"Marry me, Draco." 

Draco was blinking back at his husband, completely lost on what was going on with Harry. What was going on in his head right now? Why did he want to get married again? That didn't make sense to the blond and the more he stared into Harry's eyes, the more Draco thought that none of those questions really mattered. 

"Yes." he whispered, barely loud enough for Harry to hear his response. "I'll marry you, Harry." he said, holding onto the other's shoulders and finally breaking the intense tension which had built up between them, Harry slowly leaned and pressed a tender kiss on his husband's lips. 

"I love you, darling." 

"I love you too, mon amour."

"I love you, mon amour." Harry whispered with teary eyes, looking up at the night sky. 

A heavy sigh tumbled out of his mouth and he took a deep breath, enjoying the light cold breeze entering his lungs. It felt nice even though he was really freezing his balls off in the winter cold night, sitting in front of the lake, a cigarette tucked between his fingers, slowly burning as time went by. 

"I miss you, darling." he uttered ever so faintly. The statement was only for him and Draco to hear. His Draco. His husband. Not the young version of his lost lover. 

This was all very confusing even for Harry. Sometimes, he would catch himself staring across the Great Hall at the blond, forgetting they weren't married anymore and wondering why Draco was seated so far away from him. And it was then that reality would hit him in the face like a brick and it would nearly bring him to tears. 

"I snatched these a while ago." he spoke, twirling the small metal box in his hand, it contained cigarettes the blond used to smoke, after getting addicted to it, when he discovered he could charm them to have every flavour he could possibly think of. "I only noticed it had travelled with me yesterday." 

He brought the stick to his lips and inhaled deeply, the cherry flavour hitting his taste buds, bringing him back to the times where he and Draco would sit on the porch, stargazing together while the blond smoked next to him, handing him the cigarette once or twice before bringing it back to his lips. After that he would often tease Harry that by doing that they were sharing an indirect kiss. 

And Harry would blush every single time, muttering under his breath how he didn't have to do that and could just kiss him for real. To which Draco would respond by taking a hold of his collar and smashing their lips in a very passionate yet still tender kiss that would leave Harry breathless each time. The raven exhaled slowly before bringing a hand to his face and wiping the unshed tears with the palm of his hand, sniffling and blinking up at the sky. 

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