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"Will you stop following me around already?!" Harry exclaimed in frustration. 

"Will you forgive me?" Draco asked in return and the raven was thankful that they were alone in the corridor.


"Then I'm afraid you'll have to bear with it a while longer." 

A few days had passed since Harry had nearly died and every since then, Draco had been following him around like a lost puppy. He had come to the hospital wing to ask for forgiveness which Harry had firmly refused to give and maybe that had been a mistake. 

If he had agreed to forgive him right away, perhaps he wouldn't have been so pissed off right now. Harry had forgotten how stubborn Draco could get when he truly wanted something. The raven had been happy when people had stopped staring at him and talking behind his back. But now, with Draco openly following him around, they were both the talk of the school yet again. 

It was as if the blond was a completely different person. Harry was so confused. He didn't know why he had changed his mind so suddenly. Perhaps it had been because Harry had nearly drowned. But that was unlikely, wasn't it? Draco clearly didn't care about anyone else but himself. So what could possibly be the true reason behind this odd behaviour? 

"Why do you want me to forgive you so badly?"

"Because I'm truly sorry." Draco replied right away. It was as if he hadn't even taken the time to think about it. 

Harry was stunned. 

Malfoys were never sorry. 

He had learnt it the hard way in the past. 

"Rule n°1: Malfoys never apologise." Harry told him, noticing how surprised the blond seemed to be at his words. 

"Did I teach you that?" Draco asked, still looking pretty shocked and Harry nodded in return. "Well, scratch that. I don't need these stupid rules to dictate what I do with my life." he said with a determined glint in his eyes and Harry arched a brow in return. 

"Wow, you must really want me to forgive you." Harry deadpanned. He was trying to pull up a front but on the inside, the blond's words had shocked him. It had taken him years to convince his husband that he didn't need to follow stupid rules of conduct like that. But here was Draco, convincing himself just like that. Just because he apparently wanted to be forgiven by Harry. 

Something was off. 

"I do."

"I'm dying to know why?" Harry said, sarcasm dripping from his tone, folding his arms over his chest as he watched as Draco winced at his words. 

"Don't talk about dying after what happened.." the blond mumbled and once again, Harry had to hide his surprise. "Look, I know you don't believe me. And I can understand why." he said, scratching the back of his neck as he felt embarrassed. "But I swear to you, Harry, I'm really sorry about what happened." 

The sincerity Harry could see in those eyes had nearly convinced him on the spot. Even though this Draco wasn't the one Harry had married, the raven could still tell if the blond was being honest or not. But somehow, it was that same fact that prevented Harry from believing Draco. 

He had been fooled too many times already. 

He was tired of having his heart broken over and over again by the same person who didn't care at all about him. 

"I don't know what to do for you to believe me.." the blond sighed in frustration, looking down at his feet and Harry turned around to leave, looking one last time behind himself.

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