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Simon and Ethan were sitting at a coffee shop, waiting for Clary. "So, did you get into the school?" Ethan asked. "Give me the professor's name, and I will go talk to them, telling them how stupid they are for not accepting you," Simon said.

Clary handed her brother an envelope, and he opened it. It said, "Congratulations, you got accepted!" "No way, you got in!" Ethan said, hugging his sister. "Wow, you pulled the sad face. I thought you didn't get in," Simon said.

"Well, they liked my artwork, but when they saw my graphic novel, they loved it," Clary said. "You're welcome," Ethan said. "Thanks, but how did it go with your dream school, Ethan?" Clary asked her brother. "I have no idea. They said they were going to send me an email next week to let me know if I'm accepted or rejected," Ethan said.

"You'll probably get in, so don't worry. And we're going to celebrate after Maureen and I show Simon said," Clary said. "So, what's the deal with you and Maureen?" Clary asked Simon. "Nothing is going on with me and Maureen," Simon said. "You mean you have no idea that she likes you? How can someone as smart as you not realize that?" Clary said.

"Well, I'm not the only smart person who doesn't realize it. So one right in front of them having a crush on them and don't even realize it," Simon said, drinking his coffee. "Okay, enough of the love talk. We need to go home," Ethan said.

"Bye, Simon. See you tonight," Clary said, leaving with her brother. As they were walking home, Ethan asked, "Hey, you said that Simon had no idea that someone right in front of him loves him, right?" "Why, Clary? You really have no idea, do you?" Ethan said. "About what, Ethan?" Clary asked. "Nothing. You really are dense," Ethan said.

"If it isn't my two favorite twins!" Dot said. "We're the only twins you know," Ethan replied. "So, happy birthday, and here's a present for the two of you," Dot said, grabbing two gifts and giving them to Ethan and Clary. "Hey, Clary, you might want to hide the gift because your mom is my boss. And Ethan, I hope you like the leather jacket," Dot said. "I do! Love it," Ethan said, giving Dot a hug. "Hey, let me join!" They all hugged, and Ethan and Clary went upstairs.

Their mom greeted them with a hug. "Happy birthday, and congratulations on getting into the art school, Clary," their mom said. "Hey, you two, I have a gift for you guys," their mom said, showing them a box with an item in it. "Wait, I saw that mark in a dream," Ethan said. "Hey, sorry, we need to leave," Clary said. "Where are you two going?" their mom asked. "Oh, there's a new band playing, so me, Clary, Simon, and Maureen are going there. And then Simon will take us out," Ethan said.

"But we need to talk now," their mom said. "We can talk about it later when we come back," Clary said, leaving the room. "Ethan, everything will change starting today," their mom said. "What do you mean by that, Mom?" Ethan said. "Ethan, let's go now!" Clary yelled. "Go with your sister. You'll understand everything later. I love you," Jocelyn said. "I love you too, Mom," Ethan said, kissing his mom on the forehead. He then left the room and went after his sister.

Ethan, Clary, Simon, and Maureen were sitting on top of Simon's van. "Okay, Mom has been overprotective lately," Clary said. "Maybe she thinks we're going to do something stupid and get ourselves in trouble," Ethan said. "I spend most of my day in the art studio. How am I going to get into trouble?" Clary said.

"Plus, we know nothing about Mom," Clary continued. "Just talk to your relatives and ask them," Maureen suggested. "Well, she doesn't have any relatives," Clary said. "Plus, our dad died before we were born," Ethan added. "Do you guys not think it's a little suspicious? Or that she could be hiding something from you two?" Maureen said.

"No way, my mom can't hide anything from me," Clary said. "I mean, Mom was acting weird today," Ethan said. "Okay, enough of the family talk. Let's paint the van now," Simon said. The four of them started painting Simon's RV.

"Hey, Isabelle, let's go," Alec said, and she left with a wig. "Hey, big bro," Isabelle said, smiling at her brother. "Really?" Alec said, pointing at the wig. "What can I say? Demons dig blondes," Isabelle said.

"Yeah, you're right, but that's white, not blond," Alec said. "Actually, it's platinum," Isabelle corrected him. "Never mind, let's go. You look amazing," Alec said. "We're ready, Jace," Isabelle said.

"Nice job, blondes will distract the demons," Jace said to Isabelle. "No, it's platinum," Alec said. "Alright, guys, we know that someone is sucking blood from people," Jace said. "Why blood from Mundanes? Isn't that more like vampire territory?" Alec asked.

"I have no idea, but that's what we're going to find out," Jace said. "There must be something special about their blood. Alec, get me a sample to find out," Isabelle said. Jace took out a Seraph Blade for each one of them.

"We'll have more answers once we find out who they're working for," Jace said. "Wait, you think they're working with someone?" Isabelle asked. "Yes, they're not creative thinkers, they're shapeshifters," Alec said, pointing at an Asian man. "For now, he'll be our target," Jace said.

"Great, I'm going to get approval for this mission," Alec said. "Come on, Alec, we'll kill at least six demons before we get approval," Jace said. "Plus, rules are more fun being broken than being followed," Isabelle added.

"Fine, if we get into trouble, then I'm blaming you guys," Alec said. "Fine by me. Let's go and have some fun," Isabelle said.

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