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"Hey, we're done painting the front," Clary said. "Hey, it's that weird symbol again," Ethan said, pointing at it. "I have no idea. I didn't even draw that. Maybe it's because you're thinking too much about it, and your body just drew it," Simon suggested.

"Yeah, it's your birthday. Let's have some fun," Maureen said. Simon and Maureen were talking about something while Clary was looking at the rune. Suddenly, someone bumped into her. "Watch where you're going," Clary said, annoyed.

"Look up at the man. You can see me. You have the Sight," Jace said. "What are you talking about?" Clary asked. Jace was about to ask Clary something, but Alec called his name, so he left with Alec. "Who were you talking to?" Simon asked. "A guy with tattoos covering him," Clary said, but there was no one there.

"Clary, Maureen said, Ethan, come. What's going on?" Ethan asked. "Your sister was talking to herself," Maureen said. "No, I was not," Clary protested. "Look, he's right there," Clary said. "No one is there. Are you sure you're, okay?" Simon asked.

"Hey, are you talking about the guy with blonde hair and tattoos covering his body?" Ethan said. "Yeah, then I can see him," Ethan confirmed. "See, I'm not going crazy. You guys are," Clary said. "Was there something in your latte because there's no one there," Simon said.

"Yes, there is. I will prove it," Clary said, running into the bar. "Wait, Clary," Ethan said, chasing after his sister. "Where are we going?" Ethan asked. "To find that person," Clary said to Ethan. In the corner of the bar, as they entered, Ethan saw a girl with black hair and a white dress dancing. "She's Hot," he thought to himself.

Ethan looked in Clary's direction and saw the blonde guy. "I hear you've been peddling Mundane blood," Jace said. "Why are you trying to score some?" the woman asked. "No, just wondering who wants it," Jace said. "You're outnumbered here, hotshot," the woman said. "No, I like my odds," Jace said, pulling out his blade.

"Watch out, "Clary yelled as she rushed in, pushing the woman away near the couch. Women voice was not normal, and her tongue was sticking out. "Watch out," Jace yelled, pushing Clary away. Ethan was too busy making sure his sister was okay that he hadn't noticed there was a demon behind him.

Isabelle held the demon with her whip, and Ethan noticed a Seraph Blade. He grabbed it and killed the demon Thank you Ethan said. After the Shadowhunter killed all the demons, Clary left the bar, and Ethan followed after her. "Hey, where are you guys going?" Simon said. "Sorry, we really need to go. See you later," Ethan said, grabbing a cab with his sister, and they went home.

"Hey, I think we killed someone," Clary said to her mom, and there were three other people there, and they had marks on them, like the one you should have on the family heirloom," Ethan said.

"So, like these?" Jocelyn said, revealing a mark on her hand. "Everything you saw tonight has a meaning, an explanation," Jocelyn said. "And I've been having this conversation with you two since the day you were born. What is going on, Mom?" Clary said.

"Protection. Our wards have worn off since you both turned 18," Jocelyn said. "Protection? What does that even mean, Mom?" Ethan asked. Jocelyn looked out the window. "They're here," Dot said. "Who's here, and what the hell is going on, Mom?" Ethan asked.

"I've gotten a very powerful man angry because I hid something from him, and now he's after me," Jocelyn said. "You need to find Luke, both of you. Jocelyn said. Their mom gave Clary a necklace. "Think of me when you wear it. Trust your instincts. You're more powerful than you both think," their mom said.

"And Ethan, take care of your sister and make sure nothing happens to her," Jocelyn added. "Open the portal now!" Jocelyn said. "Wait, what about you? You're coming too, right, Mom?" Ethan asked. "Find Luke. He will hide you from the Circle. Trust no one. I love you," Jocelyn said.

Both Ethan and Clary were pulled into the portal, and they ended up in the police station. They were sitting up against a wall when Captain Vargas approached them. "Clary, why are you two in the police station at 2 am?" Vargas asked. "Luke said he was going to take us home," Ethan explained. "Still doesn't trust his cabbies," Vargas remarked.

"You two can wait at the cafeteria," she said, walking away from them. However, they decided to go to Luke's office instead. As they neared the stairs, they overheard Luke talking to two people. They sat on the stairs and listened to what Luke said. "I do not care about them. I only stuck around because of the Mortal Cup. Jocelyn, Clary, and Ethan mean nothing to me. Kill them for all I care," Luke said.

Clary and Ethan left the building. "Clary," Ethan said, trying to console his crying sister. Ethan couldn't believe what Luke had said. They both went back home, or what was left of it. Clary sat on the floor, crying, while Ethan hugged his sister, saying, "Everything is going to be fine." But deep down, Ethan wasn't sure if everything would actually be fine.

Suddenly, they heard a noise. Ethan grabbed an axe from a nearby table, and they cautiously approached the source of the sound. They found Dot standing in the middle of the room. Clary tried to approach Dot, but Ethan stopped her. "Something doesn't seem right," Ethan said.

"They took your mom," Dot said. "Who?" Clary asked. "Rogue Shadowhunters searching for the Mortal Cup," Dot revealed. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Ethan exclaimed. "You guys know more than you think, Clary and Ethan Fray," Dot said but then transformed into a demon right before their eyes.

Before the demon could harm Clary, Ethan swiftly swung the axe, hitting it in the stomach. But instead of killing it, the demon transformed into a larger, more monstrous form. It lunged at Ethan, using its claws to cut his chest. Clary ran to her brother's side, but the demon turned around and cut Clary as well, pushing her against the wall.

Just as the demon prepared to attack them further, someone else intervened and killed the demon. Ethan, weakened by the wounds, passed out

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