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Welcome to the train room," Jace said. "Who is that guy?" Ethan asked. "That's Hodge Starkweather, our weapons trainer and former member of the Circle. After the uprising, Hodge repented and he was sent to live and work here to make amends," Jace explained.

After Hodge had finished his fight, the three of them approached him. "I'm Clary, and this is my brother Ethan and Jocelyn Fray, our mom," Ethan added. "Well, she was Jocelyn Fairchild when I knew her, and she was one of my best friends," Hodge revealed.

"She's been kidnapped by someone named Valentine and his men," Ethan continued. "But that's impossible. Valentine's dead, and the Circle died with him," Hodge replied, slowly stepping back due to the pain in his neck.

"What's happening?" Clary asked. "I swore a vow never to speak of what we did. This is the Clave's way of making sure I keep the vow," Hodge explained.

"We can't torture him," Ethan protested. "Ethan, we don't have a choice. You understand that, Hodge, right?" Jace intervened.

"Jace is right. Valentine nearly destroyed the Shadow World and humanity along with it. If he'd gotten the Cup..." Hodge trailed off.

"Wait, my mother told us she hid something for someone. If it's this Cup..." Clary realized.

"Ethan, Clary, the Mortal Cup is the most important object in the Shadow World. Whoever possesses it can create more Shadowhunters," Jace added, "and, in the wrong hands, control demons."

"If Jocelyn hid the Cup from Valentine, then she's in more danger than you can possibly imagine." Hodge warned.

as Hodge rune on his neck actives, something unexpected happened. "Are you okay?" Jace asked. "I hate to make you suffer like this," Ethan apologized.

"Your mother was only trying to protect you, and now you must protect her. Stop Valentine before he destroys us all," Hodge urged.

Clary ran out of the room and Jace followed her. "Hey, thank you for helping us," Ethan said to Hodge. "No problem, kid. You should get going now," Hodge replied.

Ethan left and started to walk around the Institute.


Simon was sitting on Isabelle's bed, waiting for her to bring the food. He was about to leave when Isabelle entered, holding a tray of food. "So, um, what happens to humans if they're 'Runed'?" Simon pointed to his neck. "They usually die, or sometimes they go crazy. When that happens, we call them 'forsaken,' and then we kill them," Isabelle explained.

"Right, so the Rune on Clary and Ethan's neck is a healing rune," Isabelle said. "Jace and I used them to save their lives."

"So, Jace and you knew they were Shadowhunters?" Simon asked.

"We were almost certain," Isabelle replied. Simon quickly got up, but Isabelle moved quickly to stand in front of him. "Where could you possibly be going?" Isabelle asked.

"To get Clary and Ethan protect them from Jace. And why would she need protection from Jace?" Isabelle asked. "He's one of the ultimate protectors."

"What makes Jace so special?" Simon wondered.

"Fastest, strongest, fiercest, and hello, have you seen the guy?" Isabelle said. Simon apologized for asking and sat back down, starting to eat his food. Isabelle sat on the bed and began eating something from a bowl. "Mmm, don't worry, there's plenty where that came from," she reassured him.

"Good to know," Simon replied. "So, the Circle... If they are as dangerous as they say, it's not good for Clary, is it?"

"It's not good for any of us," Isabelle confirmed. "Now, can I ask you a question, Simon?"

"Sure, go right ahead," Simon agreed.

"Why are you so worried about Clary and not Ethan?" Isabelle asked. "Because Ethan can take care of himself, and have you seen the guy?" Simon responded.

"Fair point," Isabelle acknowledged.


Clary stood in front of a mirror in Isabelle's room. "Is this the least revealing thing you have?" she asked. "All the naughty bits are covered. A little too much, in my opinion," Isabelle replied. "Where are Ethan and Simon?"

"Who are they again I am just kidding? They're in good hands with the boys," Isabelle assured her. "So, um, you, Alec, and Jace are like family?"

"Translation you want to know if Jace and I are a thing," Isabelle said with a smirk. Clary scoffed and asked, "Why would I care?"

"Because you do," Isabelle replied. "Don't worry. In every way, he's like my brother. Our parents took Jace in when he was ten. We trained and learned to fight side by side." Isabelle paused and sighed. "A few days ago, all I had to worry about was getting into art school, and now..."

"Is this the part where I give you the pep talk about harnessing your inner Shadowhunter and accepting your true destiny?" Clary interrupted.

"Was that the pep talk?" Clary asked.

"Basically," Isabelle confirmed. She stood up from the bed and ran her hand through Clary's hair. "Remember, you were born to do this. No matter what has happened, this is who you are."

"Not exactly feeling that," Clary admitted.

Yet Isabelle said little smile appeared on her face. "Okay, but we need to find Dot now," Clary said. "And then track down and kill the most dangerous rogue Shadowhunter in history before he kills us," Isabelle added.

"You really know how to ruin a pep talk, don't you?" Clary joked. "Come on, let's go."

"Oh, and Ethan is kind of hot," Isabelle added as they left the room.


Ethan spotted Clary and Simon and walked up to them. "Hey, Clary, find out anything from your talk with Jace?" he asked.

"Kinda. Dot was a warlock," Clary replied. Isabelle pressed a button, and a shelf with weapons appeared. Ethan's eyes widened. "No, Izzy," Jace intervened, hitting Isabelle's hand when she was about to touch the weapons. "Fifty bucks says he doesn't approve of this mission."

"I don't approve of this mission. I spoke with the Clave, and they're sending Seelie scouts to search for Valentine," Jace explained. "But they made it clear that these two cannot leave the premises."

"Hey, my name is Clary. Okay, and I don't care what the Clave thinks or wants to do. I'm going to find Dot," Clary asserted. "Alec, this warlock could have the answers we need, and with Valentine's people searching for Clary and Ethan, they won't be safe outside alone."

"Jace does have a point," Isabelle chimed in. "Et tu, Izzy?" Alec questioned, looking at Isabelle, who remained quiet.

"Alright then, since you have all the answers, where do you suggest we search?" Alec asked.

"Maybe we should start at Dot's apartment in Greenpoint, and there's this thrift store," Ethan suggested.

Clary touched her mother's necklace and had a vision of Dot running into the Pandemonium club. "What's wrong, Clary?" Ethan asked with concern.

"I, um... weirdly, I think I know where Dot is," Clary replied.

"Great. I'll drive," Simon volunteered. Everyone looked at him in surprise. "What? Unless you have a Shadowhunter-Mobile or something."

"Wait, you were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me, right?" Simon asked.

"Possibly," Jace replied.

"Wait, am I going to die?" Simon questioned. Ethan chuckled. "Let's go, Simon."

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