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The gang ran to Pandemonium as they all are following Clary who had another vision when she touched the necklace. 

"Clary! Clary!" Ethan shouted. "Where are you going, Clary?" Jace asked.

"Two men, Circle members... the same ones who came to our house and took our mom," Clary exclaimed. "They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her or kill her. We need to stop them." Clary ran into the club, and the rest followed her. Inside, they found no one. "There's no one here," Ethan said.

"No, she was just trying to help us," Clary muttered, touching the necklace again, but she didn't feel anything.

Simon touched Clary's shoulders. "Clary, I'm sorry." Clary shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "You don't understand. Dot is like our big sister." Ethan hugged Clary. "Don't worry, we will find her."

"It's not safe here," Alec spoke up. "We have to go back to the Institute right now."

"So, what now?" Clary asked. "Valentine has my mom and Dot. Are we just gonna give up? What about our memories? They can't just be gone, right?"

"There's another option," Jace spoke up.

"Don't even," Isabelle said, simultaneously with Alec saying, "Absolutely not."

"I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers," Jace said. "Who are the Silent Brothers?" Ethan asked.

"They're Shadowhunter with superior powers," Jace explained. "They possess the ability to recover memories," Isabelle added.

Alec added in, "A process that can kill you guys. Their bedside manner is abysmal." Simon said Before Alec turns to Jace. "We've broken at least 18 Clave rules, and now you want us to go to the City of Bones? There's no way. I won't allow it."

"This isn't our choice to make. This is Ethan and Clary's decision," Jace insisted.

"You can't ask them to do this. They don't know what they're facing. They're not prepared," Isabelle argued.

Clary looked around. "If anyone can tell me another way to recover our memories and still get the answers we need, I'm listening." No one replied. "That settles that".

"See? I told you they're one of us," Jace smirked, hitting Alec's shoulder. They all started to leave the club. Ethan was about to walk away to go to his sister when Izzy wrapped her arm around his hand. "Let's go now," Isabelle said, smirking.


Simon drove the van to a place under a bridge and then stopped, allowing everyone to get out. "Yeah, this place isn't creepy. Not at all," Ethan commented.

"Don't tell me you're afraid," Izzy chuckled. "No, just saying it looks creepy as hell," Ethan replied. "Let's check it out," Alec suggested. Jace turned to Clary and Ethan. "Wait here a minute. We're going to see if it's safe. If something goes wrong... if something happens to them, that's on us," Alec said.

"Yeah, and you knew exactly what would happen if Valentine gets the cup before we do," Jace retorted. "They both lost everything, Alec. I know exactly what that feels like. What's your problem with them anyway? Your family always used to welcome strays."

"You were never a stray," Alec stated.

"The point is, nothing has changed," Jace said, looking at Izzy and Alec. "We're in this fight together. There are just two more of us. Clary, Ethan, come. It's all clear," Jace called out. Clary and Jace walked close to each other, while Simon followed behind. Ethan walked with Izzy.

Isabelle grabbed Ethan's hand. "Hey, Ethan, you need to understand that the Silent Brothers aren't like us," Isabelle said. "How and why are they called the Silent Brothers, anyways?" Ethan asked. "The Brothers communicate without using words, just their thoughts," Isabelle replied. "That doesn't sound so bad."

"Don't let their silence fool you. They'll hold a soul-sword to your head, and with its blade, carve the truth from your mind. If you're not strong enough, you will die," Isabelle warned. "I take back what I said, but if it means that I can find my mom, then I will do anything," Ethan declared.

Then let's do this

"I can do this," Clary muttered. "Yeah, you can. Both of you can do anything," Simon encouraged. He tried to walk towards Clary, but Jace stopped him. "All right, hold on. Surprise, surprise! No mundane allowed, just like in the training room, right?" Simon said, "Wrong. I've seen every horror movie ever made, and the funny best friend. That always get left behind and dies," Simon continued, making Ethan and Isabelle laugh.

"You're not that funny," Jace remarked. "But by all means, go ahead." Simon walked to the door. "Of course, the minute you enter, you're dead," 

"The problem is, now I don't trust you," Simon replied. "He's not lying," Alec confirmed. "Now, Isabelle corrected, he was before." The rune energy in the City of Bones will kill any mundane who dares to enter so please. Alec looked towards the door.

"The Brothers creep me out. I'll mind the mundane," Isabelle said. Jace replied, "Your sacrifice is noted, Izzy."

"Sacrifice? I'm missing a financial analysis class," Simon muttered. Ethan laughed a little. "It's not funny, Ethan," Simon said.

Alec pointed to Simon. "I can't be here anymore, Jace. I'm gonna mind the perimeter," he declared, walking away from the group.

"I don't want to leave you," Clary said to Simon.

"Go be a badass Shadowhunter, alright?" Simon encouraged. They both hugged. "Wow, so I don't get a hug and she does," Ethan remarked. Clary and Simon chuckled a little.

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