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I wake up to the sound of Chris yelling at his laptop and pounding on the keys.
I rub my eyes and try to adjust to the lighting, Chris is a morning person, he wakes up every morning makes himself green tea, opens up every window/curtain. Then he comes back in bed and goes on his laptop.

What a life.

"GoodMorning Celeste." He says while not looking up from his laptop


"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Uh...yeah,I guess. Are you feeling any better?" Chris attempted to make sushi last night but I think he got food poisoning because as soon as we were moving onto dessert He started throwing up. I threw up too, but that was for other reasons...I hate fish. And I was trying to get it out of my system.

He chuckles and says "Yeah I'm feeling a little better."

"That's good...Chris what if we-" I was about to ask him if he wanted to go out and get breakfast but his phones goes off.

He picks it up and answers "hello?" He puts his hand up as if to tell me to hold on and shut up.
He walks out of our bedroom and turns left down our apartment hallway towards the kitchen and living room.

"Well that's just nice." I whisper to myself

I get up and head to our bathroom. Maybe taking a shower will help my sleepiness.

As I'm letting the water hit my back, I hear Chris come back into the room and sit on the bed. How do I tell him that I want to end things. I love Chris a lot. But I feel like as he gets more and more fans, he seems to care less about me. And I don't want to keep living like this.

Chris and I met at a meet and greet 2 years ago.We have been inseparable since. I have drawn closer to his siblings Kirsten and Karisma we get along well. Kirsten is 2 years older than Chris and I she is 21. Karisma is 5 years younger than Chris and I she is 14. His brother Crawford who is 18 years old hasn't been around much, He likes to hang out with his friends and hasn't lived with his parents since he was 16. He moved out real quick. I've only been around him like twice. Its sad. I know.

I turn off the shower, I stand in the shower realizing that I don't have a towel, I yell for Chris "Chris?!"

He doesn't come, instead he just shouts "what Celeste?"

"I need a towel!" I shout

"So what do you want me to do about it?" He shouts back

"Can you get me one?" I ask

"Sure why not? Because it's not like I'm busy trying to edit a YouTube video." He says But then mutters something after that but I can't hear him because he's already out of the room.

Chris acting like this makes it easier for me to break things off between us. I just asked him to get me a towel and he complains. Like can you imagine when we're married? Oh, wait. I can't because I won't let things get that far.

"You don't Understand!" (WeeklyChris fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora