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(AN: In case you forgot, Karisma is on the left. Kirsten is on the right.)
(Craw=Crawford Kizzy=Karisma)
By 4:00 p.m. I'm settled into there apartment; Its a three bedroom, two baths. I have my own bedroom Its simple; a tall dresser for clothes that don't need to be hung up and my walk in closet for clothes that do. I have a queen sized bed and a nightstand. There's already a bedspread and pillows, thank goodness because I didn't bring any of that.

I'm sitting on the floor separating my hair accessories when Karisma and Kirsten walk in and sit on my bed. No one says anything, its never been this quiet when we're together.

"Do you need any help?" Karisma asks me

"Sure." I hand her a bag of my baby elastic rubber bands "can you sort out the colors for me...please?"

"Of course." She grabs the bag and sits down next to me on the floor.

"Celeste?" Kirsten says and I look up " I'm sorry for what happened between you and my brother. I never knew he would get like this. I expected it from Craw but not from Chris."

"Me too." Kizzy says

"Its okay." I say while I'm trying to untangle two of my headbands

"Its not okay. I don't understand why Chris is getting like this, he was never this shallow. Did he even get you anything for breakfast?" Me not answering, was all she needed to know that he didn't get me anything. "Exactly. Celeste when you and Chris started dating he would of gotten you anything before he would get anything for himself. And now look at him He didn't even get you a piece of bacon. I don't care what you say about him. I know Chris is my brother and I should try to defend him but I won't. He doesn't deserve you Celeste, you deserve better."

Karisma speaks up "I agree. Growing up Chris was the most selfless person I knew, but now I'm not sure I can say that."

"I don't know what to say except thank you for letting me stay here with you guys. I won't stay long I'm thinking about-" I cover my mouth and run to the bathroom and I throw up in the toilet.

When They come running to the bathroom I'm squatting in front of the toilet with my elbows propped up on the toilet seat.

Karisma asks "Celeste are you okay?"

I don't answer.

Kirsten asks"Are you sick?"

I shake my head. "I don't think so. Chris attempted to make sushi for dinner and I know he got food poisoning. But I think I would of felt sick yesterday like him. Not right now."

Karisma laughs and says "Your not pregnant by any chance?"

I don't answer her. I try to think on the last time I've had my period. Lets see...right now it's June. I didn't have my period any time in May....or April....or on my birthday in March or on Valentine's day in February ... definitely not in January because Chris and I went to Hawaii and I was worried that I would start it the entire time. But I didn't. December for Christmas I wasn't on my period at all...thanksgiving in November I wasn't and I know that for fact because we went to visit my family in texas and when I was on the plane with Chris I thought that I started my period. You know that feeling in your stomach, when you just know that you started, its a wierd feeling that only girls will understand. The last time I had my period was in October I remember because my mood swings were so bad when the little kids would come and knock on the door for candy. I would give some kids handfuls of candy and other kids would be lucky enough to get a tootsie roll.

I think I'm pregnant! I haven't had my period for 7 months. Of course this would happen to me right when I was trying to keep Chris out of my life for good, I end up pregnant with his kid.

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