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It was about 9 O'clock when Kirsten and Karisma came back from wherever. Chris demanded for his keys and they gave him his keys. He leaves.

When they come in my room Karisma jumps on my bed and Kirsten sits on the floor.
Kirsten says "Sooo.......?"

"What......?" I play with the bracelet on my wrist

Karisma says "What happened between you and Chris?"

"We didn't make up if that's what you mean. If anything I think you leaving us alone made it worse."

Kirsten looks down at her hands in her lap "I'm sorry Celeste..."

I get up and hug Kirsten "Its okay....if anything it helped me realize that I still love Chris."
Kirsten shoves me off her.I fly back "What was that for?"

"You still love him!"Kirsten shouts at me

"Well of course I still love him. It's only been about a day.

Karisma claps her hands together and squeals "Let's go then! Lets go right now and you can tell him everything! You can tell him how you never stopped loving him and that you want to have a family. And-"

I interrupt her "Karisma even if I tell Chris all this, I don't think he will forgive me for leaving him in the first place. I left him and I didn't want to fix things. I can't just go because I finally realized that I was wrong and that I want to fix it because I want to."

Kirsten speaks up "Sure you can. And you will. Lets go!" Her and Karisma pull me up off the ground and we leave.


Were sitting in the car in front of Chris's apartment when Kirsten speaks up "Sooo....do you want me and Karisma to get down with you or.....?"

"You guys can wait here if you want I-"

Karisma interrupts me "I'd rather wait here. Just in case you and Chris have make up sex. I don't wanna witness that."

I laugh "I'm not gonna have sex with him. I'm 7 months pregnant that's just wierd. And it's wrong." I shake my head in disgust

Kirsten shrugs her shoulders and says "some people still have sex when one is pregnant. I'm not saying it's right. But it's possible. And I personally would-"

I interrupt Kirsten "PLEASE don't finish that sentence!" I get up and stand outside Karismas door (passenger side) "Kirsten are you gonna get down?"

Kirsten shakes her head "I'll stay in the car too. Just in case." She winks at me

"Really?! What is up with you making things so sexual. Especially with me and YOUR brother."

Kirsten just laughs and as I'm walking away Karisma whisper/shouts "Celeste!"

I shhh her "What Karisma?!"

She smiles and tells me "Goodluck!"

"Thanks I'll need it." I walk through the courtyard to Chris's apartment and I knock on the door. The lights are off. He's probably asleep. He's here. I saw his car parked.

He still hasn't answered the door yet and it's been about 5 minutes. I ring the doorbell but he still doesn't answer. I back up and when I turn around I bump into someone "I'm so sorry." We both say at the same time.

I walk away, when I look back the person was a GIRL and she knocks on Chris's door. I stand and hide behind a pillar two apartment doors down from Chris's. Chris opens the door instantly "Hey Chris! I'm glad you called and wanted to work things out. I was really happy when you called and told me that you wanted to get back together."

I fell like I have just been suckerpunched all over my body.

"You don't Understand!" (WeeklyChris fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang