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When I hang up the phone I go to the bedroom that I'm gonna be sleeping in for the next-for as long as Kirsten and Karisma let me stay here.

I don't know what to do. All I know is I want to try and avoid Chris for as long as I can. I still haven't finished packing yet, so I'll start there.

I finish packing within 20 minutes. That should be a record. Well a record for me at least. I'm laying on my bed, looking up and writing down prices for baby stuff. You know the basics like diapers, wipes, crib, car seat, stroller.
Chris knocks on the bedroom door "Celeste?!"

From where I'm laying I can look at the mirror in front of me, next to the window and I can see the door. "Huh?"

He walks in and we make eye contact through the mirror."Have you seen my phone? I've been looking for it-"

"-Kirsten had Karisma took it when we weren't paying attention..." I look down at my laptop and continue to look for baby stuff, right now I'm pricing the bottles. I look up at Chris in the mirror and he is looking at the screen on my laptop. I quickly shut my laptop closed. I sit up and grab my papers and put them on the dresser along with my laptop.

He frowns "Why didn't you tell me that Kirsten and Karisma took my phone?"

"Because I just found out when she called."

"How could they take my phone and not yours? That's not fair."

I roll my eyes "Chris they took my phone too."

He shakes his head in disbelief "You just said you found out that she took my phone when she called-"

"Yes she called me on the house phone. Remember when the house phone started ringing and I answered it. It was Kirsten."

"Well when were you planning on telling me that they took my phone?"

"I don't know..."

"That's just nice." He says and I can here the sarcasm in his voice


"Before Kirsten left...She said that her and Karisma aren't coming back until we have fixed things between us..."

"Yeah I know."

"Well then I'm gonna go watch tv."

I shrug my shoulders.

He starts walking away but he stops and turns around really fast. "Celeste you were awake last night. Weren't you?"

How did he know? I just nod my head.

"So you heard everything I said to you?" I nod my head again. He smiles and says "Do you wanna know how I knew you were awake?" I nod my head "Because when I covered you with the blanket....you....ummm did that bad habit that you have when I cover you with a blanket. You know when you pull the blanket over to the left side because you want to share it with me, I remember when you first did it I asked you "Why did you pull the blanket over to the left side?" And you said "Any blanket will be big enough for the both of us to share" I looked at you wierd but you just told me to sit and you patted the couch, when I sat down that day you leaned your head on me and I was so nervous, but I just got my arm and wrapped it around you. Its funny you would only pull the blanket on the left side because you said that your left side is more relaxing to lean on...." He remembers that? I feel my eyes start to tear up. Chris clears his throat "Well ummm...I'm gonna go watch tv. Bye." He walks out and closes the door.

"You don't Understand!" (WeeklyChris fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now