The Beginning

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'Look here old man, I'm not getting married to you!'
'Do you think I want to get married to a kid like you?'
'Who are you calling a kid? I'm already 25!'
'And I'm just 35! I'm not that old!'

That was just a few civilized sentences exchanged when Ben and Man first found out that they're getting married to each other...thanks to their families. The Likhitamnuayporn and Soranun had a great idea merging their families together and what better way to do it other than marriage.

'But mom, how do you expect us to get married when we don't even love each other?' Ben said, as he slumped on the sofa.

'Well, love can grow even after marriage...just like your dad and me...' Lyda said, trying to soothe her son.

'But that's not the liked you before you did...but me...I don't know anything about him.'

'That's why we're giving you a month to get to know each other...' Lyda patted Ben's arm.

'A month? Are you sure that's enough for me to get to know a kid like him?' Man stared at his parents.

'I think that's long enough...' Marie said, glancing at her husband.

''s not like you don't know anything about Ben...' Rawi added. 'We're practically neighbours...'

'In case you forgot, you send me off to Denmark when he was 3 years old and I only return here when I was 28...and we hardly saw each other...' Man retorted.

'Man Trisanu Soranun...'

Man startled a little when his dad called his full name...he never do that unless it's something serious.


'I'm handing you over my company and you would need the Likhitamnuayporn support...'

'But can't we do it without the marriage clause? It feels like I was being blackmailed.'

'Fine...after the month period end, if both you and Ben decided it's not gonna work, the marriage is off.' Rawi said.

'And I still keep my position at the company?'



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