Trial Period

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'Are you seriously getting married?' Kao look at his friend.

'Maybe...we still have a month trial period...' Man said, as he walked towards his chair. He and Kao just got back from a meeting a while ago.

'Trial period?' Kao frowned.

' getting to know each see if we suit each other...which I hardly believe we will...'

Kao chuckled. 'Feels like I'm witnessing a real life drama...'

'Urghh...I know I'm gonna settle down one day but not to someone like that...' Man whined.

'He can't be that bad...'

Man gave Kao his phone.

'Is this him?'

Man nodded.

'Not gonna lie...he's kinda cute...'

'He act like a spoiled brat and he called me old! Me? Old? Can you believe that?'

'And how old is he?'


'Well, you are old to him...' Kao laughed.

'That's not funny dude...' Man glared.

'Sorry, bad...but look at the bright side, he could be the one you're looking for...'

'I highly doubt that...'


'So that's the guy?'

Two pair of eyes went towards a figure sitting across the cafe, clad in formal grey suit, slowly sipping his coffee.

'Yeah...that's him...' Ben said.

'Damn! He's hot!' Bruce squealed.

'He's ok I guess...'

Bruce eyes widened. 'Ok? He looked like a freakin' model! Tall, handsome face...and I know those women were gushing over him...'

There a few women in the cafe and they were looking at Man with giggles and heart eyes.

'If you don't want him, let me have him...' Bruce nudged Ben's shoulder.

'Take him if you want him...'

'Naahh...I don't go for my nong's matter how hot they are...'

'He's not my boyfriend Phi...'

Ben took off his apron and went towards Man's table.

'Sorry to keep you waiting...' Ben said, sitting across from the older one.

'It's okay...' Man looked around the small cafe. 'Nice place...strategic...and the coffee is not that bad...'


'Your father said you work but I didn't expect it to be here...'

'I co-owned this place so it's only fitting that I work here too don't you think?'

'Some co owner don't...'

'Well, I'm not some co owner...'

'I bet you are...'

'What's that supposed to mean?' Ben raised his eyebrows.

'Nothing...' Man stared at Ben. 'So, you know about the trial period that our parents decided...'

'Yeah...not too thrill about it if you're asking me...' Ben fold his arms and leaned against the chair.

'Me too but we have to do it anyway...'

'What do you suggest that we do?'

'Let's date...'

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