Trial Period Week #2

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'Someone's smiling...' Kao said as he walked into Man's office.

'I know you're my best friend but my office have a fully functioning door for you to knock...' Man glared at Kao, before putting the phone he was holding on his desk.

Kao sat in front of Man. 'I did knock...but you didn't hear're too immersed on your phone...'

'What do you want anyway?'

'How was the themepark date? Did you have fun?'

'Surprisingly yes...or maybe because I haven't been to a themepark for years...' Man shrugged.

'Or maybe because you're with someone...' Kao wiggled his eyebrows.

'I could've have fun there even if I was with you.'

'I hardly believe, how was your young husband-to-be?'

'He's not that bad...sure he was stubborn in some ways...' The dart booth flashed in Man's mind. 'But overall...he's kinda ok...'

'He did change your mind huh?'

'A little...'

'Anyway, Up is having a party to celebrate his new movie this Friday night and he want you and your husband-to-be to come...'

'I'll ask him but I can't guarantee his attendance...'

That Friday night...

'You're friends with Up Poompat? The Up Poompat?'

Ben couldn't believe it when Man asked him out to a party a few days ago. He didn't want to go at first but quickly changed his mind when Man told him they were actually going to one of his fave actor's party.

'Actually, I'm friend with his boyfriend Kao...he's one of the executives at my when they got together it's only natural I get to know Up too.'

'I never thought old guy like you have such a cool friends.'

'Hey! Stop calling me old!' Man scowled.

'You are older than me...'

'Do you want me to drop you off middle of the highway?' Man slowed down his car.

'You wouldn't dare...' Ben smirked, much to Man irritation.

They arrived at the venue half an hour later and people already filled the small ballroom.


Man stopped when Ben tugged the hem of his suit jacket.

'What? Something's wrong?' Man was concerned with Ben sudden behaviour.

'Do you think I'm under dressed? Everyone look so elegant...' Ben said with a frown. Somehow he felt out of place.

'You're fine...' Man fixed a few strands of Ben's hair that fell on his forehead. 'There, all nice and dolled up...'

'Ditch me and I'm gonna tell your dad...' Ben warned.

Man chuckled and took Ben's hand, wrapping it around his own. 'Such a kid...'

Ben mentally gave himself a pat on the back as he didn't stutter when Man introduced him to Up. Never in million years he thought of meeting his fave actor, let alone get acquainted with the star.

'I'll have my manager give you the premiere ticket to Man okay? Make sure you come...' Up said, patting Ben's shoulder.

'I'll be there P'Up...I can't wait to watch your movie...' Ben beamed with glee.

'Urghh, you're so cute!' Up pinched Ben's cheek.

'Don't be fooled Up, he's sneaky...' Man nudged Ben's side.


A while later...

'He's a social butterfly isn't he?' Kao said as he stood next to Man at the corner of the room.
Their sight are set on Ben who's at the middle of the room mingling with the other guests of the party.

'Another thing I discovered about him tonight...' Man sipped his drinks. He turned to Kao and saw the latter smiling. 'What?'

'Have you changed your mind about that kid yet?'


'Maybe? That's a lot coming from someone who determined that he don't want to get married a few weeks ago...'

Man had to admit that his impression of Ben shifted as he get to know him. Ben was surprising mature despite his age and carried himself well...a little childish (which Man find it kinda cute although he kept denying it) and how being with Ben made him feel younger.

'The arranged marriage isn't that awful afterall huh?' Kao nudged him.

'I guess...'


'Come to my cafe and I treat everyone with my best coffee...' Ben said. He was having fun at the party, getting acquainted with the other guests.

'Don't be surprised, we might drop by unannounced...' Milk said with nods from her girlfriend Love.

'I'll be waiting...'

'So Ben, who are you with tonight?' Sammy asked.

'Um...I'm with...'

Then, an arm draped around Ben's waist, startling the younger one.

'He's with me...' Man came and all eyes were on him. 'Hello ladies...I'm Man, Ben's fiance...'

Ben's eyes widened and audible gasps were heard coming from the girls.

'Err...yeah...I'm with him...' Ben said, almost stuttering.

'Can I borrow Ben for a sec? I promise I'll return him asap...'

Man took Ben by the wrist and walked away from the group.

'Are we leaving?' Ben asked.

'No...Kao asked to join him for a drink at the bar...' Man saw a lint on Ben's head and flicked away, before fixing the hair. 'If you're ready to leave just look for me over there...'

'Oo...ok...' Ben felt his heart just skipped a beat with Man's sweet gesture.

*What's happening to me?*

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