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SPECIAL AGENT DIAZ NEVER HAD IT EASY. When she was fifteen years old, her mother and father left her and her older brother all alone. But, their parents were not the only ones that left. Temperance Brennan, her best friend's parents left as well, leaving behind her and her older brother Russ. Russ stuck around for a few months before getting in his car, and never looking back.

Elena Diaz, Temperance Brennan, and Miguel Diaz were then put into the foster care system. The three of them were lucky to have been put in the same homes, and stayed together. The foster homes were not the best, but at least they were not living on the streets.

At her first foster home, Elena was sexually abused by the man of the house. Miguel did everything he could to try and protect his younger sister, but it would always end with him locked in the basement. Finally having enough of their foster father doing that, Elena had convinced her brother to just let it all go. Elena had come to terms that she would never see her parents again, and that life was just a hard thing.

At the age of twenty six, things in her life started looking up. Elena had a second degree in criminal justice from Georgetown University, and she was pregnant with her daughter. Her and her fiance at the time were so happy, full of joy, planning their wedding. But one warm October night, Elena recieved a call that would alter her whole life. Her fiance Antonio was killed on active duty during the Iraq War. Her whole world came crashing down, but she knew that she had to be strong for her daughter, so she worked hard, and she was now working in the Cyber unit with the FBI and she could not be happier, but when she walked into her office, everything changed again for her.

"Tempie? What are you doing here." Elena questioned her best friend as she stood with a man in a suit, in her office. Elena could not help but notice how hot the man looked.

"Elena. This is my partner, Special Agent Seeley Booth and we're here because we have some news for you." Temperance looked at her best friend with a saddened look.

"Do you recognize this woman?" Booth asked her as he unfolded the facial reconstruction for her.

Elena gasped as she looked at the picture of the woman, it was her mother. "That's my mom." Elena confirmed, with her voice cracking as she continued to stare at the picture.

"We're here because we discovered some human remains that were buried. One was your mother and the other was..." Booth began to explain before Temperance cut him off.

"My mother." Temperance informed her, "It seems that the remains were buried side by side."

"What do you need from me?" Elena questioned the two of them as she took a seat at her desk.

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