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Hodgins, Temperance, and Elena walk through an alley where FBI Agents are digging through garbage

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Hodgins, Temperance, and Elena walk through an alley where FBI Agents are digging through garbage. Cam and Booth are waiting for the three of them at the scene.

Booth waved his arms to keep the smell away from him, "Holy mother of God. Oh Geez." He said.

"Booth! What do we have here?" Temperance asked her partner.

"Bet I know. That's-" Hodgins sniffed the air around them, " lasagna," he sniffed the air, "fishy rotten cat food and, "he sniffed one last time, "vulcanized rubber." He informed them.

"Excellent olfactory talent, Hodgins." Cam complimented him.

"What happened?" Temperance asked.

"Well, it's obvious, isn't it? A guy tried to beat the yellow light, he got T-Boned by a tractor trailer." Booth informed her.

"Well, what was the semi carrying?" Temperance asked him.

"Aquarium sand, but that's not-" Booth began to answer her, but she cut him off.

"No natural gas or propane? No explosion? No fire?" She asked him.

"No corrosive chemicals?" Hodgins cut in.

"What- do you need me for?" Temperance asked them.

"You might want to prepare yourself." Cam told them, but Temperance just looked at her, "or not." She said before pulling back the tarp to showcase the dead body that was under it.

"Oh, man. Okay, how bad does, uh, garbage gotta stink to cover the smell of a dead body." Booth said as he looked at the body.

"I think the victim was a minor." Cam told them.

Booth looked to Elena and Temperance, "Okay, well if you two agree then this falls under FBI jurisdiction." Booth told them.

Temperance, Elena, and Hodgins kneel next to the body. Elena and Temperance examine the skull of the victim. "It's a male. Yes, an adolescent." Temperance confirmed.

"Flatworms. Necrophagous flies and beetles. Yeah, he's been garbage for about three weeks." Hodgins informed them, " I didn't mean that the way it sounded." He added.

"The fractures to the cranium, sphenoid, and occipital regions. Necks broeken and the femur is is shattered." Temperance informed them.

"From the garbage truck flipping over?" Booth asked her.

"No. That's congruent with a fall." Elena answered him.

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