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Elena stood in Temperance's office along with the latter and Booth

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Elena stood in Temperance's office along with the latter and Booth. There was a body that was found in the marina. "Cops say the body washed up on the bay. They think it could be Carlie Richardson." Booth informed Temperance as he handed her jacket to her.

"And I'm supposed to know who that is?" Temperance asked him as they continued to walk around her office as she got ready to leave.

"Yeah. Disappeared a year ago, she was pregnant. Come on Bones, you ahve to get a Tv, you know. Or hey, or at least just uj, hey thumb through a people at the check out stand." Booth told her.

"Was it in the Journal of Forensic Anthropology?" Temperance asked as they walked out of the office.

"Oh, you know, I forgot to renew my subscription. You know what, Bones. You really need to take up some other interest." Booth told his partner as Elena followed them, loving their back and forth that they had.

"Well, I'm reading Ted Giola's History of Jazz, was she mentioned in there? Or maybe in McGhee's Science and Lore of the Kitchen. Or perhaps I should develop an interest in the mainstream media's exploitation of crimes for their entertainment value." Temperance tersely spoke to Booth as Elena laughed at her tone.

Booth laughed as well, "You know, it's amazing Bones. You can really be snotty sometimes." He told her.

Temperance ignored their laughs, "So, Carlie Richardson?" Temperance asked him.

"Carlie Richardson. She was a newlywed. Everyone assumed she was murdered." Elena began explaining as Temperance swiped her card to get on to the forensic platform, "Her husband was cheating on her, there was evidence that they had a fight that day. According to the report, he was covered in scratches. Witnesses said they saw him down by the marina. But without the body, they had to kick him lose." Elena finished.

"Well, if she's been in the water for a year, the bones will be saturated. I'll need nylon mesh bagging and..." Temperance said as she packed her bag.

"Cam's bringing in everything on the truck." Booth informed her.

"Well after year there's not going to be a lot of flesh for Cam." Temperance argued.

"Well, you know, hey, Bones, you know, Cam is- she's in charge now. She runs the place, its her call." Booth told her.

"Then lets hurry, I don't want my remains to be compromised." Temperance tried to rush him out of the Jeffersonian, "I don't care that she's the boss," Temperance said as they all went to leave, but Booth's phone began ringing, "The bones belong to me."

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