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"Stay in your room for the time okay?" I was told I wasn't sure why I needed to be but I trusted them. I prefer being alone in my room anyway, lets me feel... free... I heard through the door that the kid they've been testing had been infected or something like that. I don't know I wasn't paying that much attention. In my room there was a bed, some crayons, a notebook, and "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe." I only hade the one book but I didn't care I love that book with all my heart and soul and I've read it about 1,000,000,000 times. But today I didn't want to, I wanted to draw.

Drawing was another way for me to get my mind off of things, it was one of my favorite's. I chose to draw a flower.

I was starving but I knew I wouldn't have food until dinner, and still then it would be scarce. That was my life. I was nothing but an object to them. Something they could abuse, neglect, forget about. Just their little play toy.

I was almost down with the flower before Dr. Kay came in and gave me my food. She was my favorite, she somewhat treated me like a human, not fully, but way better then the rest. I had one scoop of mashed potatoes, a few green beans, half a bowl of tomato soup, and a glass of apple juice. The usual, I've gotten pretty tired of it, it's the only meal they give me, but at least it's something. Then I finished my drawing and went to sleep. When I woke Dr. Kay was already there with my breakfast, bacon, and a hard boiled egg, plus some orange juice.

"What did you dream about?" Dr. Kay asked me, while she was moving to sit on the bed beside me.

"Oh just 011 I miss her a lot." I told her. With some sadness in my voice.

"I know you do, but she is a bad example you should never follow in her footsteps, you got that?" She sounded caring but then the sternness in her tone changed just a bit not a lot, but enough for me to hear.

"I-I I understand." I told her, one day I do plan to escape but not right now. But I do think it would be a bit easier since Papa is gone. Papa was the leader of this place. When 011 ran away and half of the people went out to find her she killed them, including Papa.

"I know it's early so I'll wait until lunch to give you lessons okay?" She asked, I was grateful she understood I wasn't ready for lessons yet.

"Thank you" I told her. But then and idea struck in my head. "Actually can I go in the rainbow room" It's been a long time since I've been in there and I just wanted to have fun.

"Of course you can" she said while smiling. I then finished my breakfast and she led me to the rainbow room.

I decided to play with the maze, my favorite. I used to play it with 011. 011 was my best friend before she ran away. I miss her dearly. One day I plan to escape and join her. One can dream.

"That's your favorite isn't it?" I heard Dr. Kay ask from behind. She sacred me a little so I jumped but then nodded my head.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, It's a good one. I brought you your lunch." She handed me a PB and J sandwich. Which I then gobbled up.

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