Chapter 2 - Packing up...again

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I have moved around a lot in the two years that I have worked for Vale Soles and that is why a lot of my stuff is still in boxes, but from what I gathered from my boss, this move was going to be somewhat permanent. Maybe I could finally unpack some stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day in two years.

I think you can guess by now that I have moved around a few times, but this is how the last 10 years of my life have gone.

When I was 18, I graduated from a specialist high school for gifted children in Portland with a 4.0 GPA. I was class president, valedictorian, head of the science club, math-letes champion, all – state spelling bee champion, science fair champion 3 years in a row, editor of the school newspaper and year book editor.

I was the younger of 2; there was my brother and me. My brother is older than me by 3 years and he graduated with a football scholarship to Penn State. He graduated from there with a degree in English. He became an English teacher after he blew his knee out in his last semester at school.

My parents lived in Portland all their lives, but by the time I was 21, both my parents were dead and they left us whatever money they had. My brother and I halved it.

I was accepted in Harvard to do a biology degree on a scholarship which took me 4 years to complete and I specialised in immunology. I have no idea how I got through my 3rd and 4th year, but I did and I graduated top in my class.

I then spent 4 more years on another scholarship doing a biochemistry and molecular biology PhD. I graduated with that at the age of 26.

I took a job working on my current research project for Vale Soles as soon as I graduated. They stationed me in Florida for 4 months from June – October. I was then transferred to Colorado for 4 months from November – March and then I was transferred to Louisiana for 2 months from April – June. That was one year. By this time I was 27, my birthday is September 22nd, and I had made a few friends, but sometimes none as I always felt like I’d be moved again. The company always said that they move me because my research is very top secret and very valuable to some people.

After Louisiana was New York for 5 months from July – January and then Alaska for 1 month from February – March. I wanted out of Alaska that was the only time I asked for a transfer and they sent me to Chicago from April – December. So now it is the middle of December, just before Christmas, and I am moving up to Canada. Hasta La vista America.

I got home and dumped my box on my couch along with my backpack. I sighed as I turned around in a circle on the spot and looked at the piles and piles of boxes that stood stacked one on top of another all around my house. I had never really bothered unpacking for this place. Always knew I’d just end up packing it up again.

I picked up my mobile and speed dialled my trusted and reliable moving service. I’d used them so often now that the owner knew me personally and had become a close friend. It rung three times before I was put through to someone.

“Hello, Hardy’s Handy Moving service, Frank speaking, how may I help you?” I gruff man’s voice answered.

“Hello, can I be put through to Randy Hardy please?”

“Who may I ask is callin’?”

“Danala Grey.”

“One moment please.” There was some static over the phone and then I heard a loud click.

“Ana! How wonderful to hear from you my dear, how are ya?” Randy’s voice cheerfully yelled through the phone.

“Hey Randy, I hate to say it, but it’s that time again.” I sighed as I leaned on the arm of my couch.

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