Chapter 16: Now

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Well I've now lasted 4 months in this town and I've been Mayor of it for about 3 months now.

The people actually accepted me as Mayor quicker than I expected, especially when they found out that I'm half witch and dating the founder.

The only problem that I have found is that being Mayor has put a serious kink in my cure making. I am so close to finishing, but I kept getting distracted due to a speech or problem. Every single problem that can cause a wider problem gets put through me like family wars. My word is law.

I still live in my house, but I do have the Mayor mansion which I use more for storage or a place to work on just Mayor Stuff.

I am settling in more in Mort Town and the night life doesn't scare me as much, but if I don't have to venture out of my house at night then I don't.

The people call me the Mayor with the best of both. I'm part human, but also part supernatural. They trust me.

Now you must be wondering about Caleb. Well he's still in my life and he even has half a wardrobe full of clothes at my house. He keeps talking about moving in with me and although I am really considering it, I am still a little weary.

I spend a lot of time figuring out about my new family history and Caleb helps me, but he does go to work a lot. A lot of his work is protecting the Mayor which is me, so he says 'Why leave home? Why even leave the bed?’ He can be so lazy.

I am now getting the hang of this town and this relationship, but the weather could use a bit of approving. I mean its spring and the sun still hides a lot.

The good thing about this relationship with Caleb is that it has shown me that there is someone for everyone, even if you are different.

"Did you pick up my car from the garage like I asked?" I yelled through the house at Caleb while I unpacked the shopping.

"Yes love, here are your keys." Caleb said to me as he walked into the kitchen. "And there is no need to shout." He kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and continued to unpack the shopping. "Who gave you this?" He pointed at the lily on my kitchen counter.

"It's a gift from someone in town for being Mayor. I've been getting them for the past three months." I said as I put away the milk.


"Proves how much you notice things."

"I notice things about you." He said with a sexy smile.

"Cheeky." The doorbell went and we looked at each other with the same 'who the hell is that?' look. "Expecting anyone?"

"You're the Mayor, are you expecting anyone?"

"Nope." We walked to the door and I opened it. Caleb stood behind me as I opened it to find a woman, about early 50s at my door. She had long brown hair in a ponytail and dark eyes. Her skin, although it had a few wrinkles, was perfectly white and she gave us the brightest smile ever. Her nails were sharped to perfect points and she had on a navy blue suit dress.

"Caleb! Darling!" She cried as she pushed me aside and hugged my boyfriend. "How's mummy's little boy?"

"Mummy?" I asked as I shut the door.

"Yes, I am his mother and I've heard about you girly. Caleb I am not impressed." She said as she looked me up and down.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, I don't like you."

I don't like this woman and I don't like where this is heading. This is going to be fun. I've never dealt with a mother before and this one hates me.

My life was actually starting to calm down there. Now there is a new problem to deal with. Great.

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