Chapter 11: What the hell?!

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A SWAT team? Are you serious? This town has a SWAT team? Now that is something I have never seen before.

They came in, crouched down low with their guns to their faces and they surveyed the area. The only time I get involved in fighting is when I used to do karate, I was pretty good, but I have never gotten involved with guns or seen it happen.

This explosion gave me the time I needed to elbow my attacker in the stomach, winding him and then I grabbed his arm to spin him over the top of me. He lay, flat on his back, on the floor and I ran for it, but I didn’t know where I was going.

I kept looking over my shoulder at the fighting that was going on behind me. The SWAT team was going after the humans and trying to put them against the wall, but there was a lot of fighting. The stronger humans were going after the SWAT team, who I was pretty sure were vampires and a lot of the humans were dead, riddled with bullets.

“Where is she?!” I heard someone growl. I sure hope they don’t mean me, but knowing my luck, they did. The opening was blocked by all the fighting and there didn’t seem to be a back way. All I could do was hide.

I went behind a table and hid in between the lab tables in a small gap. I heard screaming and crying. I heard fighting and bullets flying. I closed my eyes tight and hoped it all went away.

“Gotcha.” The doctor said as he grabbed me by the arm and yanked me out of my hiding spot. He stood me up and put a gun to my temple. I felt the cold metal against my head and I heard the gun cock. “Everybody stop!” He yelled at the fighting that was happening at the opening to his hideout. I heard the ending of the gun fire and people shuffling away from each other.

The doctor had my left arm and a gun to my right temple. He was standing behind me and he was guarding himself, using me.

“Please…” I whispered.

“Shut up! This is your entire fault! You must be sleeping with a high up vampire!”

“I’m not!” I yelled as I opened my eyes and looked at all the men staring back at me. The SWAT team were cautious about what they did and so were the humans.

“Stay…away…from…my girlfriend!” I heard someone growl from behind me and then the doctor was lifted up. I scrambled away and fell on the floor. I turned around and it was Caleb, but it wasn’t Caleb. He was standing there, but his eyes were as red as molten lava and his skin was as clear white as diamonds. Christophe. He’s Christophe? He’s the king of Mort Town? I’ve been sleeping with a vampire? I was so shocked, but I was so angry and so surprised. Does that mean that all he’s ever said to me is a lie? That made me angry.

“Caleb? You’re Christophe?” I said with a very angry tone to my voice.

“Yeah, Caleb will explain later.”

“What do you mean ‘Caleb will explain later’?” I said as my tone got worse.

“You’ll get the truth later.” He growled at me.

“Don’t you growl at me!” I screamed and tube vials smashed near me. I screamed again and more vials went. “What the hell?!” I yelled as substances started to boil.


“Explain! NOW!” I screamed and everything went smash.

“You’re not entirely human, but I’m not all that sure.” Caleb…I mean Christophe threw the doctor into the wall and he slumped against the wall. He came over to me and although he scared me, he thrilled me too. I didn’t know whether to run or come closer.

He touched my cheek and I leaned into his hand, sighing against his cold exterior. He pulled me close and placed another hand behind my back, just above my ass.

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