Nyderaa vs Pierre (Round 2) Recap 2

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These fighters have got disrespectful with this pen!!! 😂😂😂 Ny, you definitely  want us to hate Zac because he irks my soul! The audacity!!!🤬🤬 Do you think Mir is overstepping when it comes to him demanding Zac to tell Fatima the truth? What do you think Fatima is going to do when she finds out? Will she be delusional about the whole situation??

Now Pierre is trying to have Wattspad After Dark!!! It's giving when Nelly was sliding credit cards down women asses( chirren go Google if that was b4 your time😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️)  Zac done slutted my girl completely out.Idk how I should feel about this❗️❗️🫣 Do you think it was disrespectful for Zac to cum on Fatima face and tell her to clean it up👀❗️❓️Do you think Zac will hold this over Fatima to keep having sex with her? Zac seems like the type he will expose the sh*t if he doesn't get his way. Ladies, Are we going keep it real and call out Fatima for fucking up her 80% for a nigga that only have 20% ❓️❗️ Keep it 🅿️🅿️🅿️🅿️

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