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Nanon questioned but no answer and also the previous warmth he felt already also left from him,
He remembers sleeping in Ohm's embrace but now his place is cold,

He slowly sat up with excruciating pain in his lower range for the first time,
And looked around to find himself alone.
Nanon shouted in anger while a stray tear left him,

" You bastard... Ohm Pawat.... You break the promise....
" How dare you leave me alone you dickhead.
" I will get you , You Killer.....
Ohm Pawat!!!"


Knock.... Knock.....

" Come in...!!"

Nanon said in his cold tone and pull up the comforter covering his chest.

And that moment his only best buddy comes into the room shouting,

And that moment his only best buddy comes into the room shouting,

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" Oh boy..... What happened to you... Huh?? Which girl you slept this time to be like this helpless."

(Showing the clothes bag he brought and jumped on bed side. )
Nanon hissed in pain little while adjusting his post little leaning to headboard and snap back at him,

"Shut up Mon!"

Chimon noticed the change of Nanon which he never saw and exclaimed,

" Wait...... !!!! Don't tell me you slept with a guy this time."

Nanon's eyes widened in shock and quickly snapped back at him,

" Oh !!!! Shut up you idiot!!!"

At that moment Chimon knew he pulled the right string and exclaimed while getting up and jumping,

" Woohoo!!!! Yeah!!! Finally it happened..... !!"

Nanon was annoyed at his friend and shout at him questioning,

" What is there to be happy you moron!!"

" The first one is I won the bet with my hubby. And the next one is fucking a Boy got you into the bed... !!!
The All mighty straight Korapat.!!!
That was the least possible incident to happen which I yearned to see for years now. This should be posted in the news headline bro. "

" You fucking bastard.... You dare to bet on me again. You rascals...!!"

Nanon shouts in anger and throws the pillow to Chimon,
Chimon caught it in time smiling,

" Not only me.... So Don't shout at only me. So many bets with each other in our group for this. You know naa..... So I also had two bets only for that in recent years. What's wrong with that?? Don't only blame me. I'm sure they all will be thrilled to hear the news.... Woohoooo!!!"

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