The Misfit Class

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A/n: Changing gears to a more first person POV, I'm honestly just experimenting to see what fits the story I want to write most. Hope you enjoy!


It's the next morning after my thought ranting session, and we're starting the morning off as per the "usual" -if being surrounded by demons, the literal embodiment of evil spirits, is considered the usual at least. Little shadow-buddy usually likes to come out of my pocket and tail us, or it sits on my shoulder.

Azz and Clara have really been loyal to the idea of walking to school with us. It's nice in a weird way. Talking about the day ahead of us, or just listening to the two demons squabble about a random topic, it hasn't gotten old so far.

The topic today was classes, because they are apparently being announced today, and especially since me and Iruma have intel from Grandpa Sullivan. I have to admit- being the chair-demon's grandchildren does come with a few perks.

I start saying the news, "So turns out, Grandpa Sullivan put us all in the same class!", earning a beaming smile from Azz. I'm kind of glad that Grandpa would do that for us. I'm not too attached to these two demons yet, I will take what I can get to feel a bit of familiarity in this new school, even if it's tiny as a prick.

Although Iruma doesn't seem to agree as he kind of slumps over and adds, "Yeah, but the problem is that it's called the misfit class and it's filled with a bunch of trouble makers...", Oh yeah, I forgot about that part... The misfit class is, in Sullivan's words; "... a class with lots of troublemakers who will stand out far more than you will!".

I understand his logic, since our biggest and only strategy so far is to not stand out. But I can't help but feel like demons in general are still a bit unpredictable, so getting surrounded by the rowdiest of the bunch does stir a bit of worry in me... Oh well, too late to go back now...

Azz could apparently see the concern on both of our faces, as he put a sincere hand on his heart before declaring, "Masters, any class I'm in with you two is automatically the best class! I couldn't ask for anything more!"

Now the first thought that popped into my head was; and what if you were in a class with only one of us? I didn't let my intrusive thoughts get the better of me and cheerfully replied, "Really? That's sweet, and I could say the same!"

 I didn't fully hear my (supposed) brother's reply but it went along the same lines as mine... I think. I really need to pay more attention nowadays, I'm surrounded by demons for goodness sake!

Clara had already gone pretty far ahead of us a while ago, and the usual crowd of flying students were starting to catch up. The sound of their leathery black wings flapping slowly starts taking over the atmosphere, dragging me out of my thoughts.

My eyes immediately dart upwards to watch the students fly to school, I've found that they look a bit like crows in uniforms from that high up. It could be funny to see an actual crow in a Babyls uniform... flapping around, being silly, I doubt that it would be too happy to be stuck in a uniform in the first place...

I snap out of my thoughts when Azz asks, "By the way... why do you two walk to school masters when you can fly?"

Crap, I haven't thought about that.

You see, I already thought of most of the "plot-holes" in my and Iruma's story. Birthdays (we both decided to go with his birthday, October 4th) , childhood memories (mostly used mine combined with Sullivan's knowledge of Netherworld childhoods), what the hell happened to our parents (they "disappeared on us"), why we don't look alike at all despite being twins ("Doesn't mean that we're twins that  we're identical"), and so on and so forth.

I WANT YOU TO BE MY GRANDCHILD ( Welcome to demon school / reader) slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now