Chapter 12

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Harley stumbles back from the railroad track as a horse runs over the length of it. She watches silently as man after man rides in, each building the sense of dread in her stomach. The world around her grows quieter as she is surrounded by faceless bodies, each reaching out toward her. One man steps forward, and he seems familiar. He looks like he's trying to speak, but has no mouth to do so. He grabs her arm and yanks--

Harley sits up in bed, gasping. She takes shaky breaths as she attempts to calm herself down. She looks to her side, and finds Isaac still sound asleep, mouth slightly agape. The clock next to him reads 2 A.M., and Harley sighs as she runs a hand over her face. These dreams have become increasingly more frequent and realistic. She sits in silence for a moment, until Isaac flips to his side and opens his eyes slowly.

"Harley?" he asks, groggily. "Why are you up?" She shushes him, running her hand through his hair.

"It's nothing," she says. "Go back to sleep." He grabs her wrist attached to the hand in his hair and moves it, sitting up next to her. He doesn't let go of her arm.

"It's not nothing. What's going on?" She looks him in the eye. He looks exhausted, hair mussed and eyes falling shut, but she can still see the concern and care in his gaze. She sighs, pushing him back lightly and follows. She tucks herself into his side once he gets situated on his back.

"Bad dreams. I'm scared something is coming for Beacon Hills." He tucks her head under his chin and brings his other arm around to fully hug her.

"Maybe. But no matter what it is, I'll be by your side to face it."

"You can't promise that." Her voice has dropped to a sad whisper, and Isaac hates it.

"Harley, you could rip my heart out, shatter it, and throw it to the flames. I'd still come home to you every time." Harley smiles softly, shifting even closer. She lets her eyes flutter shut, and she makes it through the rest of the night without waking from any more nightmares.

Upon a phone call from Scott, Harley and Isaac meet with the rest of the pack to check out a car from a kid who said his parents were taken. Harley recoils as Scott recounts what he saw, freezing at the mention of the man on the horse.

"I had a dream," she tells Scott as Stiles, Lydia, and Allison check out the inside of the car. "I saw the horses. I saw them, a train track, and some people without an identity. I thought--I don't know what I thought."

Scott watches her face carefully. "Do you think you saw this happening?"

"I don't know what I saw. But this is definitely supernatural." The group turns to watch as a coyote runs in, soon shifting into Malia's human form. Harley tosses her some clothes as Lydia gets out of the car.

"I don't think they're dead," Lydia sighs.

"They're dead," Malia says. "Probably torn apart. The only thing I don't get is why there's no blood."

"They're not dead. If they were dead, I'd sense it."

"If they were alive I'd smell it."

"So, they're not here," Isaac cuts the two off. "Does this mean they were taken?"

"He's a kid," Scott says. "Maybe he's too freaked out to remember."

"Why does it matter if they're dead?" Malia asks. "Dead is dead."

"Okay, if it's just a robbery, we can't help them," Stiles says. "And if it's something supernatural, my dad can't help them."

"It sounds like you want it to be supernatural," Allison comments.

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